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Items tagged with: hpc

#SC23 asks: Who Is Your “I AM HPC” Hero?


#SC23 Celebrates Thirty-One Women in #HPC for Women’s History Month

Credit to @women_in_hpc's Cristin Merritt for this series

#IWD2023 #InternationalWomensDay

Interested in accelerating your C++ code using OpenMP?

Find below a video describing how to use the #OpenMP single directive in C++ programs.

This directive helps you to specify that a block of code should only be run by a single thread.

#HPC #Embedded

Summer Wasson's work in #HPC outreach is all about getting more people into STEM. Read her #iamhpc profile for #WHM2023:

"Be rigorous, be persistent, and don't give up." Rasha Karakchi speaks of the skills #HPC has taught her in approaching problems with different perspectives into today's #SC23 #WHM2023 profile:

Interested in accelerating your C++ code using OpenMP?

You find below a video describing how to use the #OpenMP reduction clause in C++ programs.

#HPC #Embedded

The NIST SP 800-223 initial public draft on #HPC Security is available and open for comments for the next few weeks until April 7 at

The document is in an early starting state and could benefit from substantial community input. Please contribute and/or participate in the workshop to be held on this topic March 15-16, 2023. See the link to the event page at the web page mentioned above for more details and a registration link.

There are lots of jobs and internships in #HPC listed on with new opportunities being posted nearly every day. Check out the listings and/or add any new ones to the list using the link to the form at the bottom of each page!

Interested in accelerating your C++ code using OpenMP? CoffeeBeforeArch published on YouTube a series of videos describing just this!

You find below a video describing methods of synchronization, incl barriers, locks and critical.

#HPC #OpenMP

We've got stickers and patches, if that's your thing. You can find them from around our usual departments, or ask us.

But the story is more than that. We hope to use these to start a community around #SciComp, #ResearchSoftware, #HPC, etc: we hope the black-background ones can be used as an "Ask me anything" sign - to recognize people who want to help others. Does anyone else do something like this?

Read more: #RSEng

It's been over two years(!) since the last release of the #IOR and #mdtest #HPC I/O benchmarks, so we just cut a candidate for 4.0.0 based on the version used for the #SC22 #IO500 here:

PLEASE kick the tires since there have been huge changes since 3.3.0 came out.

Join me next Friday February 24 between noon and 1 PM Eastern Time/6 - 7 pm Central European Time for an interesting #OpenMP user talk entitled:

"Data consistency debugging for OpenMP target offload"

The speakers are Lechen Yu and Vivek Sarkar of Georgia Tech.

Register to attend.

#HPC #Embedded

Interested in accelerating your C++ code using OpenMP? Nick of CoffeeBeforeArch has released a series of videos describing just how to do that!

The introductory video can be found here:

For the full list of videos, go here:

#HPC #OpenMP

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