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Items tagged with: OtD

That's how we roll

Space Shuttle Discovery rolled out to the launch pad #OTD in 1997, in preparation for STS-82, the second Hubble Servicing mission.

#tuesdayvibe #morning

NASA announced its 8th group of astronauts #OTD in 1978, including 15 Shuttle pilot and 20 mission-specialist candidates. The group, dubbed the "Thirty-Five New Guys" was the 1st to include minorities and the 1st new astronaut group since 1969.


#OTD in 2022, another underwater volcano, Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai, erupted. Several Earth satellites collected data during and after the eruption.

A sample-return mission that led to big discoveries! ☄️

#OTD in 2006, the Stardust spacecraft returned samples of Comet Wild 2 to the Earth for study. Stardust, launched in 1999, was the first NASA mission dedicated to studying comets.

#FunFact STS-61C launched on a 6-day mission #OTD in 1986, carrying not 1, but 2 astronauts who would later become NASA Administrators: Pilot Charles Bolden @cboldenjr and Mission Specialist Bill Nelson @SenBillNelson.

Endeavour (STS-72) launched #OTD in 1996 to capture a Japanese research spacecraft known as Space Flyer Unit and bring it back to Earth. Backdropped against Australia's Shark Bay, astronaut Leroy Chiao is seen here working in the shuttle's payload bay on his 2nd EVA of STS-72.

#OTD in 1969, @nasa announced the crew for Apollo 11, the first mission that would land humans on the Moon. Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins were to make the trip… if all went well on Apollo 9 & 10.

Who was on the backup crew? Hint:

How did NASA prepare for landing humans on the Moon in 1969? By sending the Surveyor landers to check out the surface and practice soft landings!

Surveyor 7, the last of the series to fly, launched to the Moon #OTD in 1968 and returned 21,274 pictures!

50 years ago today, @nasa closed its Plum Brook Reactor Facility in Sandusky, OH. Beginning operation in 1961, the reactor was NASA's primary facility for space-related nuclear energy R&D.

Read about the Apollo 17 crew's visit to the facility #OTD in 1973

"Decades ago we science fiction writers foresaw a great many things about space travel, but two things we did not foresee."

Isaac Asimov, born #OTD in 1920, wrote this in a 1985 NASA book about science and society. Find out what was overlooked (p. 59):

Wishing you a #HappyNewYear filled with discovery!

Our solar system's own proto-snowman and the most distant object explored by a spacecraft, Arrokoth, had a visitor #OTD in 2019 when the New Horizons probe flew by, taking this photo. More about Arrokoth:

Hubble redeemed!

Following the first Hubble servicing mission earlier in December, galaxy M100 was imaged with the new WFPC-2 camera #OTD in 1993, showing that the defect in @NASAHubble's mirror had been corrected.

Rocketry pioneer Dr. Robert Goddard conducted the first rocket test flight at his Roswell, New Mexico laboratory #OTD in 1930. His liquid fuel rocket launched to a height of 610 m (2,000 ft).

Learn more about Robert Goddard:

The first ever rollout of a Space Shuttle to the @NASAKennedy launchpad happened #OTD in 1980. Columbia would go on to make its first flight for STS-1 on April 12, 1981.


Bringing a bright ending to a crummy year, Apollo 8 safely splashed down #OTD in 1968, ending the 1st crewed spaceflight to orbit the Moon. The Apollo 8 astronauts shown here on the deck of the USS Yorktown are (left to right) Frank Borman, Bill Anders, and Jim Lovell.

thank you for sharing #OTD

"We came all this way to explore the Moon, and the most important thing is that we discovered the Earth" –Bill Anders, Apollo 8 astronaut

"Earthrise," one of the most powerful photos in @nasa’s history, was taken by Anders #OTD in 1968 as the Apollo 8 crew orbited the Moon.

#OTD in 1964, NASA's SR-71 Blackbird made its 1st flight.

The SR-71 was designed to cruise at Mach 3.2 and at altitudes up to 85,000 ft, making it ideal for high-speed, high-altitude @NASAaero research.

Learn more about NASA's research with the SR-71:

Cancel your holiday plans, we're going to the Moon!

With the urgency of the Space Race in full effect, Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, Bill Anders, and Jim Lovell launched from @NASAKennedy #OTD in 1968.

More about the first crewed mission to the Moon:

#OTD in 2011, we discovered Kepler-20e, the first planet beyond our solar system smaller than Earth. In all, we've confirmed six exoplanets in the system orbiting a Sun-like star more than 900 light-years from Earth.

#HappyBirthday to @NASAAmes! #OTD in 1939, construction of the second National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) laboratory (@NASALangley was the first) began at Moffett Field, California, now in the heart of Silicon Valley! More about its history:


After 12 days and 14 hours in space, the #Apollo17 astronauts splashed down in the Pacific Ocean at 2:25 pm EST #OTD in 1972. It was the longest of all the Apollo missions with the most samples retrieved and photos taken. #Apollo50th

#OTD in 1999: The third servicing mission up to the Hubble Space Telescope launched!

During this mission, astronauts replaced Hubble’s gyroscopes and installed new equipment to make it more capable than before.

Find out more:

That's teamwork 👨‍🚀 👨‍🚀

Astronauts Walter Schirra (right) and Thomas Stafford shake each other's hand as they arrive aboard the USS Wasp aircraft carrier, after their nearly 26-hour Gemini-VI-A spaceflight #OTD in 1965. It was the 1st recovery to be broadcast live on TV!

"We send our good morning on our last wakeup day from the Moon.”

Gene Cernan sent greetings from the #Apollo17 crew to everyone back on Earth #OTD in 1972. #Apollo50th

📷 Earthrise seen from lunar orbit

🤝 Gemini VII, meet Gemini VI-A

The first-ever rendezvous of two spacecrafts with astronauts on board happened #OTD in 1965. This photo of the Gemini VII craft was taken by the crew of Gemini VI.

Learn more about this historic meetup in Earth's orbit:

#OTD in 2009, @nasa launched the WISE telescope. It helped us better understand our universe before turning its attention to mapping the sky to search for asteroids and other near Earth objects.

#OTD in 2009 our Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) launched!
WISE's all-sky survey led to mind-expanding science including:
⚫ Uncovering millions of black holes
⭐ Discovering the coolest class of stars
💡 Imaging the most luminous galaxy


A 12-year survey of our sky
The WISE/NEOWISE telescope started mapping our sky after its launch #OTD in 2009. A video of its view reveals dying stars, hungry black holes and more.

Farewell, Moon. 👋 #Apollo17 lifted off the lunar surface #OTD in 1972, bringing a successful end to the Apollo program. The astronauts spent nearly 22 hrs outside their lander, drove 22 mi in their rover, & collected 243 lbs of samples during a mission that lasted 12.6 days.

#OTD in 1993, the first servicing mission by astronauts to Hubble came to a close!

This mission fixed Hubble's optics, following the discovery of an error in its primary mirror, which was ground too flat by less than the width of a single human hair!

#OTD in 1970, @nasa launched its first Earth-orbiting satellite entirely devoted to the study of cosmic X-ray sources. 🚀 Marjorie Townsend, conducting preflight checks with Bruno Rossi in this image, named the satellite Uhuru, which means "freedom" in Swahili.

Today, #Artemis I returned to Earth after a test flight to the Moon. #OTD 50 years ago, #Apollo17 landed on the lunar surface. This visualization explores the Apollo 17 landing site, Taurus-Littrow valley, using data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Astronauts Eugene Cernan, Harrison "Jack" Schmitt, and Ronald Evans were on their way to the Moon #OTD in 1972. You can follow along on their journey with Apollo 17 in Real-time, a multimedia project that provides a behind-the-scenes look at the mission:

#OTD in 1968, @nasa launched its first successful cosmic explorer. Orbiting Astronomical Observatory 2, which could point at and track sources in the sky, is the direct ancestor of current telescopes including @NASAHubble, @chandraxray, and Swift. More:

We have liftoff!

#OTD in 1972, #Apollo17 set out for the Moon, carrying with it astronauts Gene Cernan, Jack Schmitt, and Ron Evans. #Apollo50th

Experience the launch in real time:

#OTD in 1998, our Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS) launched into space to hunt for water and other molecules linked to life as we know it. For nearly seven years, SWAS helped us study water in the Milky Way, star formation, comets, and more:

Rise and shine! 🛰️⏰

#OTD in 2014, the New Horizons spacecraft awoke from its "nap" in anticipation of reaching Pluto after almost 3 billion miles and 9 years. 7 months later, it captured these photos of Pluto (left) and Charon (right).

Read more:

#OTD in 1998, the first two modules of the @Space_Station were mated together. 🛠 The newly joined Zarya module (on the left) and Unity module (right) are seen here in a photo taken by the crew of STS-88 just before their return to Earth.

Learn more:

The (Amino) Truth is Out There 👽

#OTD in 1970, Dr. Cyril Ponnamperuma at @NASAAmes and coauthors reported they had positively identified extraterrestrial amino acids in the Murchison meteorite. It was the 1st conclusive proof of chemical evolution beyond Earth. #AlienAminoAcids

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