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Items tagged with: OTD

Voyager 1's Saturn #photography: 💯 @NASAVoyager 1 flew by Saturn #OTD in 1980, discovering 3 moons (Atlas, Prometheus & Pandora) and taking this shot as it sped by on its way out of our solar system. Learn more about Voyager's rendezvous with Saturn: #NASAhistory

#OtD 19 Aug 1936 the gay socialist poet Federico García Lorca was executed a month after the Spanish civil war commenced. "I will always be on the side of those who have nothing and who are not even allowed to enjoy the nothing they have in peace."

#OtD 8 Aug 1942 Spanish civil war veteran Maria Perez Cruz was executed by the Franco regime on trumped up charges. A former nurse in the anarchist Iron Column militia, she was arrested in 1939 charged with various offences. More in this short biography:

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