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Items tagged with: Childlabor

#News: #Childlabor is rampant in the #Congo Basin fuelled by #cobalt mining and the so-called "Green" Energy transition. Children face dangerous conditions for minimal pay #humanrights #GlobalSouth #Slavery

#News: The Other Americans: #ChildLabour is the Backbone of the Guatemalan Economy. #Children are paid low wages for hard work in #palmoil #soy and #gold mining. This benefits the economic elite and forces those in poverty to attempt to migrate to the #USA #childlabor #humanrights #workers #Guatemala

#News: Beauty brand L'Oreal accused of #childlabor and #slavery for perfume "I just want the people who wear this perfume to also see the suffering of children in it and have the courage to speak up." -Heba whose children work on farms

Republicans are the worst, but let's not let Democrats off the hook. They knew children leaving HHS custody were being put to work instead of going to school.

Take another example: Sholom Rubashkin - guy who exploited child labor in his meat packing plants - is a close friend of Nancy Pelosi.


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