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Items tagged with: Landsat

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Your Name In Landsat

#landsat #geography

Tundra Vegetation to Grow Taller, Greener Through 2100, NASA Study Finds #NASA #Earth #ICESat2IceCloudAndLandElevationSatellite2 #Landsat

Telfer Mine, Western Australia #NASA #Earth #EarthObservatory #Landsat #Landsat9

NASA Selects Raytheon Company to Build Landsat Next Instruments #NASA #Landsat #Earth #EarthObservatory #GoddardSpaceFlightCenter

A fast-moving wildfire in Maui occurred during a period of strong winds and dry conditions. In this #Landsat 8 image from Aug. 8, infrared light shows the locations of active fires in yellow. The fires burned in the town of Lahaina and northwest of Kihei.

Wildfire season is picking up in the U.S.

60 fires are burning across nine states in the western U.S., fueled by hot and dry conditions. On August 1, #Landsat 9 captured this image of smoke streaming away from the Bedrock Fire in Oregon.

Iceland’s Fagradalsfjall volcano is erupting again, igniting unusually large and long-lasting wildfires in nearby moss that grows atop old lava flows. 🌋

This enhanced-color #Landsat 9 image shows active lava (orange) and burn scars from the moss fires.

After the breach of Kakhovka Dam in June 2023, the adjacent reservoir drained, leaving farmers in southern Ukraine to cope with depleted water supplies.

These #Landsat images show the reservoir and two canals before (left) and after (right) the breach.

On #WorldEmbroideryDay, Earth inspires some creative threads. 🧵🌎

Artist Danielle Currie titled her piece 46.69, 50.43 after the coordinates of an image caught by #Landsat 8 of the Caspian Sea. 🌊

Wildfires broke out on the Greek island of Rhodes after a prolonged stretch of extreme heat.

Actively burning fires are marked by a red infrared signature in this image captured by #Landsat 8 on July 19.

After three quiet years, the Shishaldin volcano in Alaska’s Aleutian Islands erupted this month. 🌋

Ash fallout from the eruptions can be seen on the southern flanks of the volcano in this image captured by #Landsat 8 on July 17, 2023.

Today we’re taking a vacation with #Landsat! 🏖️

Whether you prefer the beach or the desert, Landsat imagery is there to inspire your dream vacation.

Let’s kick off with a relaxing day at the beach. Where should we go– Wildwood, NJ (left) or Spain (right)?

Now, Landsat Next is on the horizon 🌅

With a trio of smaller satellites that can each detect 26 wavelengths of light and thermal energy,
@nasa/@USGS #Landsat Next will provide finer resolution and more frequent data to monitor Earth’s changing surface.

[Video embedded in original tweet]

Together, OLI and TIRS study all parts of Earth’s surface every 16 days.

From land to ice to sea, the open data provided by the #Landsat program has contributed to a deeper understanding of our changing planet. #OpenScience

#Landsat 8 and 9 also measure land surface temperature with Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) and TIRS-2. These data are crucial for water management and ice detection.

#DYK that TIRS almost didn’t exist? Now it’s been imaging Earth for over a decade!

51 years of eyes on Earth 👀🛰

Since 1972, the #Landsat program has been studying Earth’s land, water, ice and more.

There are currently three active @nasa @usgs Landsat satellites orbiting Earth — Landsat 7, 8, and 9 — with Landsat Next on the horizon.

Algae has covered about half of Florida’s largest freshwater lake, Lake Okeechobee, for much of June and early July 2023.

The @nasa/@usgs #Landsat 9 satellite captured this image of the algae bloom on June 12, which is producing harmful toxins.

Pitstop ahead ✅

Macquarie Island, located halfway between Australia and Antarctica, has been an important stopping place for Antarctic explorers and breeding populations of penguins and seals. 🐧

#Landsat 9 captured this image in 2022.

Happy #NationalCameraDay! While not a camera per se, #Landsat’s OLI instrument captures beautiful images of our planet. 🌍

The imager on the upcoming Landsat Next satellites will see changes on Earth’s surface with more precise detail than ever before.

NASA scientists are mapping ground changes on earthquake-prone islands like Tutuila, the largest American Samoa island, in this #Landsat 8 image.🏝️

They found that Tutuila sank an average 6-9 mm per year from 2015-2022, compared to 1-2 mm before 2009.

Noctiluca, is that you?

The @nasa / @usgs #Landsat 9 satellite captured this image of swirling tendrils of phytoplankton – which appear to be Noctiluca scintillans – off the coast of Germany's East Frisia Islands on June 14, 2023. #WorldOceansMonth

🌊 :

#Landsat 8 captured this image on June 23, 2020.

Refill, please! 🥛

Shasta Lake, California’s largest reservoir, filled to nearly 100% capacity last month. Heavy rains and meltwater from an above-average snowpack earlier this year helped counter a prolonged drought.
#Landsat watched it fill up ⤵️

Are you a summer or winter person? ☀️❄️

The Nemuro Strait in these #Landsat images is one of the largest sand spits in Japan. In the summer, sea grass and kelp can be seen in Notsuke Bay, while in the winter, the bay’s shallow waters freeze over.

Melting winter snowpack and river ice breaking up caused damaging floods along Alaskan rivers in May 2023.

These #Landsat images show the Yukon River transforming from a frozen, snowy landscape to a thawed one in just 8 days.

Toxic algae blooms are becoming more frequent in some lakes, including Chile’s Lake Villarrica seen in this #Landsat image.

The blooms are likely caused by warmer surface waters and nutrient-laden runoff from urban or agricultural areas.

As the glacier stretches and thins, it becomes more prone to rifts that can break and form icebergs.

This @nasa @usgs #Landsat 8 image shows a rift on the floating ice tongue, acquired on May 14, 2023.

These #Landsat images show the same estuary in northeastern China 36 years apart.

A salt-loving seepweed turns the coast a deep red in the fall, which highlights how the estuary has changed due to coastal developments from 1986 (left) to 2022 (right).

The @nasa @usgs #Landsat captured a high-flow experiment – releasing water to simulate natural flooding and carry sediment downstream – at Glen Canyon Dam north of Horseshoe Bend in Arizona on April 27, 2023.

Heavy rains caused flash flooding and landslides in northern Italy on May 2–3, 2023. 🌧

#Landsat satellites captured these enhanced-color images of flooding near the Lamone river before (left) and after (right) the rains.

The shape of western China’s Qinghai Lake changes as the region’s climate shifts, researchers say.

As water levels drop due to warming trends, dunes build up and divide the lake into several sub-lakes, like Shadao Lake in these #Landsat images.

Popocatépetl is one of Mexico’s most active volcanoes. 🌋

Its current eruption has been ongoing since 2005. In spring 2023, both #Landsat 8 (left) and @Space_Station astronauts (right) captured images of the volcanic plumes.

Multiple studies show dangerous algae blooms have become more frequent and intense in the Gulf of Mannar since 2019.

This #Landsat 9 image from Sep. 23, 2022 shows a bloom in the Gulf of Mannar, off the southeastern coast of India.

Update on Tulare Lake: still growing.

The historic lakebed, now covered with farms that grow a variety of crops, is flooded after two major storms hit southern California. This enhanced-color image by #Landsat highlights the water in dark blue.

Did you guess it? It’s the Diamantina River in Australia! Although dry for most of the year, seasonal rainfall sends water coursing through its channels. In this enhanced-color image captured by #Landsat 8, water and saturated soil are shades of blue.

Scientists are using artificial intelligence to analyze 50 years’ worth of @usgs @NASA_Landsat data. 🌏 🛰️

These tools help scientists identify cloud cover or wildfire smoke in #Landsat images, map changes in land cover, and more.

The Catalonia region of Spain is experiencing a long-term drought.

These #Landsat 8 images show the Sau and Susqueda Reservoirs in 2021 (left) and in April 2023 (right), which both have diminished water levels.

What are these marks in the ice? 🤔

On March 13, 2023, #Landsat 9 took these images of Tunulliarfik Fjord in Greenland. At the time, the fjord’s waters were capped with a layer of sea ice. 🌊🧊

These #Landsat images have been pan-sharpened with a data processing technique to bring out more detail.
Learn how pan-sharpening works: 🔍

Pops of Poppies 🌼🌼

After California’s particularly wet winter: a sea of wildflowers. Orange, gold, and yellow flowers flood the valleys and hills of Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve in this image by #Landsat 8.

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