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Items tagged with: anarchist

The late Benjamin Zephaniah (15 Apr 1968 to 7 Dec 2023).


"My biggest inspirations come from everyday people who stop seeking power for themselves, or seeking the powerful to rescue them, and they do life for themselves. I have met people who live Anarchism in India, Kenya, Jamaica, Ethiopia, and in Papua New Guinea, but when I tell them they are Anarchists most will tell me they have not heard of such a word, and what they are doing is natural and uncomplicated. I’m an #Anarchist because I’ve been wronged, and I’ve seen everything else fail"

#PinkPeacock, the #Jewish, #Anarchist, #Vegan Pay-what-you-can cafe is closing.
While their reasons are absolutely understandable, it doesn't make it any less tragic.
Consider purchasing something from their shop ( ) or just donate ( ).
Thank you, @pinkpeacock for the vision you've had. It's sad I never had the chance to come visit, and sad I never will.
I wish all of their staff the best in whatever they do next. האב ברכה והצלחה.
Love y'all ❤️

🏴 "Are You An #Anarchist? The Answer May Surprise You!" If you believe in self-organization and voluntary association, and if you think that #power corrupts, you might be an anarchist. 🤝 And these are principles "that the rich and powerful have always found extremely dangerous", as #DavidGraeber stated in 2009. Read his full text, in most important ways you are probably already an anarchist... 👉 (Or listen to the audio: #anarchism #anarchy

Help me make #QTBIPOC art and games! I'm crowdfunding 1st two things on my Throne wishlist, stickers and a lapel mic!

#Stickers will be the #anarchist locust design I made on my 1 art stream, and the mic is to make art streams easier to do and can happen w/ less spoons needed!

Streaming for me really helps me actually get work done, work that hopefully will help keep a roof over my kids head!

:sharesloved: #DisabilityCrowdfund #MastoArt #TransCrowdfund #IndigenousArt

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