Items tagged with: beatsaber
My second #BeatSaber rec is also a Joetastic map (these must have just been lying around in wait from that time I downloaded all 1000 of their maps), and it's a map of GUNSHIP's "Tech Noir":
Banger synthwave song and a map that is intricate and low-key without being one of those maps that are super slow and pile all the blocks one right behind the other.
A quick search didn't reveal a video I thought was great to showcase this map, so maybe I'll record one tomorrow while I'm baking. π
It's been forever since I posted a #BeatSaber map rec, and today I have two! The first is a really fun, dancey map to QUIX's "Survive", mapped by Joetastic:
The mix of the single arm beats with the fast twirly/circular pattern (which has a slightly unusual doubling of blocks in it that tripped me up on my first attempts) makes the mapping feel really dynamic. Sometimes that kind of thing feels like a mapper reaching for variety and instead finding chaos, but it works great here.
I didn't record my session today, but this person does a nice job at it:
I got my first #BeatSaber injury in March! I strained my left pec playing a fast and unfamiliar song, and goddamn that shit hurt. I'm not entirely pain-free yet, but I dutifully spent five weeks unable to do *any* of my normal workouts. π Today was my first day being able to play some light BS.
My new favorite warmup is "Bubble Tea" by dark cat (mapped by roeek: The blocks aren't fast, but the patterns aren't trivial, either, and the song is cute. I tossed my full playthrough up, because fuck it, it's Friday: I think I missed more cross-body swings than I hit there, but better that than reinjuring my chest. π
I decided to resume deliberately improving my #BeatSaber skill, and picked the Camellia remix of 100$ Bills (7.87 NPS) because I like it on Expert.
...Prolly not going to be what I stick with. π It's a little outside my zone of proximal development, as Dr. Lucy would say, and oof, all the jangliness in the song gets to me after a while.
Anyway, I finished both Dr. Stone and Hunter x Hunter recently, so my rec is Joetastic's map of the Dr. Stone opening song "Paradise":
One of my partners got a Quest recently. I've been pulling #BeatSaber recs for them, so I should put them here, too!
I've been playing a lot of OST 6 (E+ "Cathedral" and "Lift Off" are my fav kinds of maps), but a map that's very fun at X/E+ is "Grant Green" by Mr Jukes: It does a great job of being mapped pretty tightly to the drums, but not making the mistake some rock maps do of having too many downstroke-only segments in an attempt to mimic playing drums.
Anyway, Larnell Lewis is a delightful drummer and you should listen to his stuff if you like #jazz fusion. (original work) and (him trying Metallica on for size) are fun.
13 Levels of Drumming: Easy to Complex | WIRED
Professional drummer and educator Larnell Lewis explains drumming in 13 levels of difficulty, from easy to complex. The Snarky Puppy percussionist explains h...YouTube
Still recommend that song. It feels great to play:
tofubeats β CANDYYYLAND (Paβs Lam System Remix) V2
Mapper: saut | Description: expert+ -> expert++ expert -> expert+ hard -> expert normal -> hard easy -> normalBeastSaber