Items tagged with: drm
In case you missed it, the hackers who reverse-engineered DRM on Polish trains got sued by the train manufacturer…
…multiple times.
You can donate to their defense fund:
Their original talk from last year
My piece about the first lawsuit against them
Breaking "DRM" in Polish trains
We've all been there: the trains you're servicing for a customer suddenly brick themselves and the manufacturer claims that's because
As Best Buy removes physical media of shows and movies, I feel the need to post this XKCD comic, number 488.
Best Buy to End DVD, Blu-ray Disc Sales in Early 2024
Best Buy plans to phase out sales of DVDs and Blu-ray discs both in-store and online by early 2024, the company said.Todd Spangler (Variety)
Own your Kindle books by following this guide!
Use Calibre to Remove DRM from Kindle Books and Convert to PDF
Own your content by removing DRM from Kindle books with the help of open source tool Calibre.Sagar Sharma (It's FOSS)
Denuvo expand their Anti-Tamper and add special Unreal Engine Protection
You all absolutely adore Denuvo right? Well it's about to expanding to offer game developers more options to add into their games so here's what's coming.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)