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Items tagged with: theLibrary

Getting my mind blown once again by Daniel Quinn's The Story of B, the sequel to Ishmael.

Funny enough, I'm looking back at the forum post about Ishmael[0] and seeing that it was a year ago to the date that I originally had my mind blown by Ishmael.

If you're in Merveilles or sympathetic its values, I really can't recommend reading this book enough. If anything because I want more people to be able to talk to about the ideas in here 😬



Just finished reading Wiktopher by @rek

A delightful collection of adventures in a world unlike any other. Highly recommended!


I have a little hole in the wall library next to the nav station where I keep some personal favourites that I like to re-read.

Since it's unlikely that I'll complete my current reading before the year's end. Here's this year's reading catalog, it was a fantastic year, read some of my favourite readings ever.

My absolute highlight has also been the first reading of the year, Maurice Renard's The Blue Peril.

Ah! I knew I had a copy of it somewhere 🦉 owl mode

Spending four days on a train from Seattle to Saint-Louis, will bring two paperbacks along for some late night reading as we zip across Nebraska.

Summer downpour with a cup of lapseng. I finished Hommage To Catalonia yesterday, I wonder what I should read next. I'm eyeing the copy of Wisniewski-Snerg's Robot in the shelf right now.

now that I actually have time again I've been on a bit of a binge reading a lot of interesting stuff about socialism/planned economies.

I'm trying something new of documenting the mental thread and making some more of my notes public for others to take a peek at if they're interested:


I've been reading Orwell's Homage To Catalonia, it's excellent, I expected it to be awfully bleak in some parts, but I certainly didn't expect it to bring to me to tears laughing in others.

So happy to have found a copy at the thrift store, I've been looking out for this one for years.

A copy of Adam Wiśniewski-Snerg's Robot was waiting for us in Sidney. The embossed cover is very pretty.

I just have the best luck with thrift stores lately! 1922 edition :moomin_sparkles:

I've been meaning to find a used paperback copy for a while.

'Beware of first- hand ideas!' exclaimed one of the most advanced of them. 'First-hand ideas do not really exist. They are but the physical impressions produced by love and fear, and on this gross foundation who could erect a philosophy? Let your ideas be second-hand, and if possible tenth-hand, for then they will be far removed from that disturbing element – direct observation.


The cover for Forster's Eternal Moment is so pretty. :maru:

Going through the list of books read in 2022, and I think Watership Down and Gulliver's Travels were pretty much my favourite for the year(if not ever).

Another one that deserves a mention is To Mock a Mockingbird which I read twice this year because it's so totally ingenious in how it manages to convey complex ideas using bird songs.


I've been reading Joris-Karl Huysmans's "À rebours", and it blows my mind how vividly it can paint pictures my head and put tastes in my mouth, I've never read anything like this before.

I've often caught myself thinking, how is this book real. I think it's one of the most unique french novel I've ever read.


Come for the gorgeous kelp illustrations, stay for the notes on how to sprout legumes.

"I’d rather have a well stocked sailboat and the ability to sail it anywhere in the world than money in a bank that might fail, a job from which I might be laid off, a government pension that might dry up, insurance policies, etc.."


Read Andreas Malm's How to Blow Up a Pipeline, in one setting.

It's good! I didn't know that to expect going in, but it changed my mind on some so-called peaceful protests of the past, which were really just the mediatized arm of direct-action movements.

Also, I think I had totally the wrong idea about Gandhi.


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