Items tagged with: wine
Wine 10.1 out now with fixes for and more Bluetooth driver work
#Wine #Linux #OpenSource
Wine 10.1 out now with fixes for and more Bluetooth driver work
With the huge Wine 10 release out, the Wine team have moved back to their regular biweekly development feature releases with Wine 10.1 out now.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
NTSYNC driver support heads to Wine in a new Merge Request
#Wine #Linux #LinuxGaming #OpenSource
NTSYNC driver support heads to Wine in a new Merge Request
With the NTSYNC driver landing ready for the Linux kernel 6.14 release, there's now an open Merge Request to actually hook up support for it in Wine.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Windows compatibility layer Wine 10.0 out now bringing Wayland and ARM64EC support, new FFmpeg multimedia back-end
#Wine #Linux #LinuxGaming #OpenSource
Windows compatibility layer Wine 10.0 out now bringing Wayland and ARM64EC support, new FFmpeg multimedia back-end
The big release is here! The Windows compatibility layer Wine version 10.0 is officially out now bringing lots of big new features.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
NTSYNC driver for improving Windows games on Linux with Wine / Proton should finally land in Linux kernel 6.14
#Wine #Proton #Linux #LinuxGaming #SteamDeck
NTSYNC driver for improving Windows games on Linux with Wine / Proton should finally land in Linux kernel 6.14
After waiting quite a while on it and some rewrites, it looks like the NTSYNC driver code to help Windows games running on Linux will be pulled in and enabled in the Linux kernel.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Windows compatibility layer Wine 10.0 third Release Candidate out now
#Wine #Linux #OpenSource #FOSS
Windows compatibility layer Wine 10.0 third Release Candidate out now
With the feature code freeze continuing, the Wine team had put up a third Release Candidate for the upcoming stable main release of Wine 10.0 coming in early 2025.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Windows compatibility layer Wine 10.0 second Release Candidate out now
#Linux #OpenSource #Wine
Windows compatibility layer Wine 10.0 second Release Candidate out now
With the Windows compatibility layer Wine now in a code freeze, they're focusing purely on bug fixes and not new features ready for the Wine 10.0 release early next year.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Windows compatibility layer Wine 10.0 gets a first Release Candidate
#Wine #Linux #Proton #OpenSource
Windows compatibility layer Wine 10.0 gets a first Release Candidate
The next major version bump is coming for the Windows compatibility layer Wine, which forms a big part of Valve's Proton, with Wine 10.0 having a first Release Candidate.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.21 out now with more DirectPlay and D3DX9 improvements
#Wine #Linux #OpenSource
Wine 9.21 out now with more DirectPlay and D3DX9 improvements
Wine 9.21 released as one of the last developments builds, as we are steadily approaching the release of Wine 10.0 for this Windows compatibility layer.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Windows to Linux compatibility layer Wine 10.0 planned for mid-January 2025
Windows to Linux compatibility layer Wine 10.0 planned for mid-January 2025
Lead developer Alexandre Julliard announced that Wine 10.0 is going to be releasing in mid-January 2025.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.20 expands DirectPlay and more formats supported in D3DX9
#Linux #OpenSource #Wine
Wine 9.20 expands DirectPlay and more formats supported in D3DX9
Another biweekly release of the Windows compatibility layer Wine is out now! Wine 9.20 brings the usual assortment of new features and bug fixes.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.19 released bringing improvements for Wayland, Unicode and DirectPlay
#Linux #OpenSource #Wine
Wine 9.19 released bringing improvements for Wayland, Unicode and DirectPlay
Developer Alexandre Julliard announced the release of Wine 9.19, the Windows compatibility layer that allows thousands of apps and games to run on Linux.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Unified Linux Wine Game Launcher (UMU) gets a first official release
#Linux #OpenSource #Wine #Proton #LinuxGaming
Unified Linux Wine Game Launcher (UMU) gets a first official release
Unified Linux Wine Game Launcher (UMU) from Thomas "GloriousEggroll" Crider version 1.1.1 is out now as the first official release to help improve Linux desktop and Steam Deck gaming.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.18 brings a new Media Foundation backend using FFMpeg
#Wine #Linux #OpenSource
Wine 9.18 brings a new Media Foundation backend using FFMpeg
Wine 9.18 released September 20th is the latest development release of the Windows compatibility layer that brings new features and bug fixes.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine team now hosting Mono, looking to adopt the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
Wine team now hosting Mono, looking to adopt the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
After the news recently that Microsoft gave the Mono Project over to the Wine team, it has now been moved over to the Wine GitLab. Plus, some changes for Wine contributors may be coming with a new Code of Conduct.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.17 released with window surface scaling on High DPI displays
Wine 9.17 released with window surface scaling on High DPI displays
The Windows compatibility layer Wine version 9.17 is out now bringing new features and bug fixes so here's what's new.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine's Direct3D to Vulkan translation library vkd3d 1.13 out now
#Wine #Linux #OpenSource
Wine's Direct3D to Vulkan translation library vkd3d 1.13 out now
The Wine team have just release vkd3d version 1.13, an update for their own Direct3D to Vulkan translation library.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team
#OpenSource #Microsoft #Wine #Linux
Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team
Well, this is surprising isn't it. Microsoft are handing over the Mono Project to the Wine developers with a thank you note.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.16 released with more Wayland work and an initial Driver Store implementation
Wine 9.16 released with more Wayland work and an initial Driver Store implementation
The Wine 9.16 development release is now available for this compatibility layer to run Windows apps and games on Linux. Here's all that's changed.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.15 brings more ODBC Windows drivers work and bug fixes
Wine 9.15 brings more ODBC Windows drivers work and bug fixes
The Wine 9.15 development release is now available as there's continued work on ODBC Windows drivers and the usual assorted bug fixes.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.14 released with more ODBC Windows drivers support
#Wine #Linux #OpenSource
Wine 9.14 released with more ODBC Windows drivers support
Just before the weekend was over, another development release of the Windows compatibility layer Wine 9.14 was released.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.13 brings more CMD.EXE engine rewrites, supports loading ODBC Windows drivers
#Wine #Linux #OpenSource
Wine 9.12 brings a rewrite of the CMD.EXE engine, Mono updates
#Linux #FOSS #Wine #OpenSource
Wine 9.12 brings a rewrite of the CMD.EXE engine, Mono updates
Wine 9.12 has landed bringing the latest development work into a new release for the Windows compatibility layer, part of what makes up Steam Play Proton.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.10 brings updated vkd3d, more ARM improvements
#Wine #OpenSource #Linux
Wine 9.10 brings updated vkd3d, more ARM improvements
The Wine 9.10 development release is out now for the Windows compatibility layer, part of the secret juice of Steam Play Proton.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.9 brings more ARM and Wow64 improvements
#Wine #Linux #OpenSource
Wine 9.9 brings more ARM and Wow64 improvements
Wine 9.9 was released Friday as the latest development release for the Windows compatibility layer to run more apps and games on Linux.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.8 released with Mono updates, ARM improvements
#Wine #FOSS #Linux #OpenSource
Wine 9.8 released with Mono updates, ARM improvements
Another biweekly development release for the Windows compatibility layer is here, with Wine 9.8 now available.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.7 released with ARM improvements
#Wine #FOSS #OpenSource
Wine 9.7 released with ARM improvements
The Wine 9.7 development release is out now bringing with it the usual bug fixes, plus some ARM platform improvements for this Windows compatibility layer used in Proton.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.6 released with more Direct2D effects work, support for RSA OAEP padding in BCrypt
Wine 9.6 released with more Direct2D effects work, support for RSA OAEP padding in BCrypt
Wine 9.6 is the latest development release out now for the Windows compatibility layer, making progress on getting as many apps and games working on Linux as possible.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Windows compatibility layer Wine 9.5 released
#Linux #FOSS #OpenSource #Wine
Windows compatibility layer Wine 9.5 released
Another two weeks are done and so a fresh update of the Windows compatibility layer is live with the Wine 9.5 development release.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.4 brings updated vkd3d, initial OpenGL support in the Wayland driver
Wine 9.4 brings updated vkd3d, initial OpenGL support in the Wayland driver
Another biweekly release of the Windows compatibility layer Wine is here, with Wine 9.4 bringing some new features and a few nice sounding bug fixes.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation library vkd3d v1.11 released
Wine Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation library vkd3d v1.11 released
While Valve continue pushing forward for gamers with VKD3D-Proton, the Wine team continue building up their own separate Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation library with a new release out now.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine pulls in code to eliminate a Vulkan performance issue for wow64
Wine pulls in code to eliminate a Vulkan performance issue for wow64
Wine is about to get just that little bit sweeter, with new code recently merged into the project that should work around a performance issue with Vulkan.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
We can probably say a final goodbye to Roblox on Linux with Wine soon
We can probably say a final goodbye to Roblox on Linux with Wine soon
After Roblox recently introduced Hyperion anti-tamper, there were some issues running it on Linux, but there's been workarounds and some of the Roblox staff made it to work on Linux with Wine again, but it seems not for much longer.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.3 out now with Internet Proxy support improvements, New HID pointer device driver
#Wine #Linux #LinuxGaming
Wine 9.3 out now with Internet Proxy support improvements, New HID pointer device driver
Wine 9.3 has landed as another early development release of the Windows compatibility layer on the road to Wine 10 next year. Here's the highlights of what's changed.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
CrossOver 24 released with Wine 9.0 - plus CodeWeavers still hiring developers
#Wine #CodeWeavers #Linux
CrossOver 24 released with Wine 9.0 - plus CodeWeavers still hiring developers
CodeWeavers have announced the release of CrossOver 24, their application for managing games and applications designed for Windows installed with Wine on Linux and macOS.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Wine 9.2 brings Mono updates, system tray fixes and more
#Wine #FOSS #OpenSource
Wine 9.2 brings Mono updates, system tray fixes and more
Another development release of the Windows compatibility layer is here with Wine 9.2, bringing with it some new features and fixes so here's what's changed.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
What to Expect From Wine on Wayland in 2024
What to Expect From Wine on Wayland in 2024
Collabora, the company responsible for developing Wine's Wayland driver and getting it into Wine proper, has just published Wine on Wayland: A year in review (and a look ahead).pleasereadthemanual (GamingOnLinux)