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#introduction radio free fedi is a small web, consent driven, artist populated, non-commercial, attribution promoting, community radio

we are now ready to accept more submissions, and are here to promote sound and music artists, their support links, desired license and fedi presence if they wish in an eclectic and fun radio format

24/7 music from the fedi with "theNews" at the top of each hour

keep fedi weird

#radio #community #fedimusic #fediart #music #art
in reply to radio free fedi

We have pre-seeded the station for soft launch. Please see the site for all artist info and station info.

If we have missed or mistaken any data in our initial seeding of the station please reach out.

Likewise, we are hoping to promote artists with a fedi presence that are good fedizens, if we are promoting anyone with any untoward fediquette we have missed as it is hard to deep screen web presence, also please reach out.

Get involved, tell your noise making friends, have a listen, have fun.

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