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BTW, I use Arch 😛

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This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to It's FOSS

manjaro at work, ubuntu at home. Both with gnome and i3wm
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Void Linux on my main device and Solus on an old Chromebook.
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Linux Mint - because it gets out of my way and lets me focus on my workflow. Elegant, clean, and stable. The glue that brings Darktable, QGIS, Jellyfin, Joplin, etc together for the party.
in reply to It's FOSS

Fedora for years on my main PC, and Ubuntu server for server things…with all the kerfuffle about source code and corporate distros I decided to give Arch and Debian a try for the same things, respectively. Arch always seemed too high maintenance and not worth the time but the install script changed everything. I’ve really been enjoying it.
in reply to It's FOSS

ubuntu LTS with gnome, but just about give fedora 39(gnome again) on my new laptop
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Some variant of Mint. I used to be a fan of Ubuntu, but didn't like one of their gui choices and dropped the distro. A bit further back I played with Red Hat, but never really got the hang of it. (early 2000s) I know distro choices can be personal, Mint does what I want, installs pretty easily on bare metal or in a VM, has a decent package / update manager, and does what I need it to do. 🤷
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Arch (with Hyprland) is my main. Mint for work. :arch: ❤️
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to It's FOSS

Kubuntu LTS, though I run all sorts of different things in VMs.
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I use Debian everywhere. Both server and desktop.
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Mint as work desktop, Arch as home desktop, Debian on servers
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@It's FOSS currently using Pop_OS and MATE because it's the only thing that would play nice OOTB with my NVidia card and a wiiiiide monitor.

But I'm a hopper, so ask me again next month 🙃

This entry was edited (8 months ago)
Unknown parent

@ksaj You are an outlier, that is not a bad thing, we have choices after all!
in reply to It's FOSS

using #fedora for production at daily work. 🙂
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
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in reply to It's FOSS

Manjaro at my personal notebook and Debian at my server!
in reply to It's FOSS

On my work laptop and private desktop I use @archlinux, on my private servers @debian and at work, we have some @fedora vm's for our CI processes. Unfortunately, I have to maintain an @ubuntu machine as well, which hosts or #Jenkins and @gitea.
in reply to It's FOSS

Linux Mint for years now!

Stable, easy to use and it works perfectly for my needs.

Also, as I install and maintain some computers belonging to my family or friends, Cinnamon helps to migrate from Windows because the interface is similar and users are comfortable with.

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Debian, on a server because I don't have my own PC 😅

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