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Items tagged with: DogsOfMastodon

The new meds helped a little, but not enough. Kiwi’s last day was filled with sunshine, love, peace, and her favorite foods — blueberries and peaches.

She has been a joyful presence in our lives, and we will be forever grateful she chose us.

We promise to be there for and with them, right until the very last. And we promise to make the hard decisions, to not flinch, to not fade, but to stay true to that promise until the end. Run strong and free, Miss Kiwi. 💕

#dogs #dogsofmastodon

We got some bad news at the vet today, and I’m still trying to sort through my feelings, honestly. If the next few days bring some relief for our wee 14 year old Toy Poodle Kiwi, we might have a few more weeks or months with her — and that’s the best case scenario. We are fortunate to have such a kind and pragmatic vet, but…my heart hurts tonight. 😔

#dogs #dogsofmastodon

This puppy is fully vaccinated & finally ready to make friends! Thanks #science 🐾 #dogsofmastodon

I suppose this is a good excuse to share the source of this particular ectoparasite.

He’s also far more adorable than the previous image in my opinion. #dogsofmastodon /2

After a day of travel, it’s sure nice to be back home. #dogsofmastodon

Because fungal proteins are closer to animal proteins, fungi are an appropriate food for pets and humans. Koji and many fungal proteins contain all 10 canine essential amino acids in greater concentration than cow flesh.

We can grow fungi sustainably, using a fraction of the resources and land needed for cow, pig and chicken flesh - or even fish!

@mastodonindians @algorithm #plantbased #dogs #dogsofmastodon #dogstodon #dogfriendly #veganfortheanimals #mastodon

Admittedly, some of us are far more excited about the Puppy Bowl this year. 🐾 /2 #DogsOfMastodon

We were heartbroken to lose our sweet Happy last year. When we felt ready to welcome a new family member, this little peanut arrived with the name Capricorn & seems to fit right in. We think he’s pretty perfect.

Now don’t worry, I won’t bombard Mastodon w puppy pics, but if you’re interested to see him grow, we’re at

And yes, I know not everyone likes Instagram, but this is an easy way for family & friends to follow his adventures from afar. 🐾 #dogsofmastodon

We finally got our #Merchtodon !!

The shipping price apparently covered the import taxes, which sweetened the deal.

Now I must figure out how to turn that into a #corgi shirt.

#Dogs #Dog #DogsOfMastodon #CorgisOfMastodon #Mastodogs #Mastodog #DogsOfFediverse #FediDogs #PetsOfMastodon

Z The Magnificent, First Of Her Name, Long May She Blep. #Dog #DogsOfMastodon

Our cat had to go to the vet today, and our dog was very upset about it and now won’t let her out of her sight. #sisters #DogsOfMastodon #CatsOfMastodon

We had to say goodbye to our sweet Happy. She was the very best girl & we had so many adventures together. Happy hiked mountains in Colorado, camped with us in Texas, ran across California’s beaches & pranced through the Michigan snow.

She named herself Happy & loved every person she ever met. We have always felt extremely lucky to find her on Congress Ave & came to call her our Austin terrier since she was a little bit of every breed. We will miss her every day. #dogsofmastodon

“Everyone thinks they have the best dog. And none of them are wrong.” ~W.R. Purche

#Dogs #DogsOfMastodon

“I see you have spring rolls. I too enjoy spring rolls.” #dogs #dogsofmastodon

"The sun came out this afternoon, and I like it, even though rain and mud are my favorites," says Winnie.

1/2 After a very difficult and urgent operation, Bilbo is feeling better. Today was his first day outside without a leash. Next Tuesday, we'll have another control and the suture removal. It is a gift of time together.
This sink drain is in the vet clinic. Because the surgery alone cost me over E 1000 (which I don't have yet), I put a Goal on Ko-Fi: You can help by buying me a #coffee or caffeine 😉 as you wish!
#doglove #DogsOfMastodon #boostsappreciated #KoFi #help

Eh? Argh! Giant dog attacks! Run!

#dogsofmastodon #dogs #funny

Almost a month ago, the vet told me Happy, at 13.5yrs, was nearing liver failure. It was almost certainly cancer based on her bloodwork.

Here she is today, after many more vet visits, an overnight in the ER & 4 meds. Turns out it was a bacterial infection. She’s recovering & I highly recommend pet insurance.

I’m so grateful for more time with this very good girl. I also know that no matter how many years we’re fortunate to have w our dogs & cats, it’s never going to be enough. #DogsOfMastodon

This beagle would like you to know that he is helping. (He is not helping.)


Calling #Norfolk Terriers’ staff (not owners, if you have one, you know what I mean) #DogsOfMastodon #Dog #TerriersOfMastodon

Oh Molly, what have you gotten yourself into this time? #dogsofmastodon

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