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Items tagged with: Déforestation

Dusky Pademelons are pocket rockets bouncing thru the forests of #PapuaNewGuinea and #WestPapua. They are #vulnerable from #palmoil #deforestation #mining and hunting. Help them every time you shop and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetectives
#deforestation #pulpandpaper #borneo #orangutan #APRIL #petition #dayak
APRIL (Asia Pacific Resources International Limited): Auf Sumatra ist ein indigener Führer entführt, verschleppt und inhaftiert worden, weil er sich gegen die mit APRIL verbundene Firma Toba Pulp Lestari wehrt. Mayawana Persada, ebenfalls mit APRIL verbunden, schlägt auf Borneo Orang-Utan-Wald für Papier kahl
#deforestation #pulpandpaper #borneo #orangutan #APRIL #petition #dayak

Magnificent Lion-tailed #Macaques of Western Ghats #India are #endangered. They are hemmed in on all sides by #palmoil #deforestation. Fight for them when you shop and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife in the supermarket! via @palmoildetectives

Stop APRIL, Indonesia’s ruthless paper and pulp giant!
#nature #biodiversity #Ecosystem #ecosystems #forest #forests #rainforest #tree #trees #deforestation #Petition

Amazon River Dolphin Inia geoffrensis — Palm Oil Detectives | Barbara Crane Navarro

The Amazon River dolphins, also known as the Boto Dolphins or Amazon Pink River Dolphins are playful, curious and intelligent mammals, the largest river dolphin species in the world. Known for their stunning pink coloured skin they are endangered due to human-related threats like #palmoil, #meat and #soy #deforestation, #gold #mining and #pollution. Help them survive each time you shop…

Indonesian palm oil, Brazilian beef top contributors to U.S. deforestation exposure

In Brazil, 76% of deforestation in three Amazonian states occurred in a planned agricultural development zone

#Indonesia #Brazil #environment #forest #deforestation #PalmOil #AnimalRights #agriculture #AnimalAgriculture #meat #beef

Latest palm oil deforester in Indonesia may also be operating illegally #Indonesia #environment #forest #deforestation #PalmOil

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