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Items tagged with: LandBack

New Zine: Red Flags: Before You Join That Org…

"[authoritarian communist groups and vanguard parties] depend on recruiting newly radicalized people, energetic and inexperienced, and without existing connections to other radicals that could warn them off.

This zine is an intervention. Written for people newer to radical politics, it outlines red flags to look out for, provides some history of the most well-known authoritarian communist groups’ harmful behavior, and offers a few alternatives to joining them. Give this to the new people you’re seeing join movements, it could help them avoid lots of grief and serious harm."

#Anarchism #FreePalestine #Zine #UniversityEncampments #Abolition #AntiImperialism #LandBack #AntiCapitalism #Organizing

If you live in present-day 🌏 Australia, New Zealand, 🌎 the North or South Americas, this is a good resource for finding out whose land you occupy.

#LandBack #LandAcknowledgement #TurtleIsland #USA #Canada #Mexico #Australia #NewZealand #Aotearoa #SouthAmerica #CentralAmerica

Anyone down to go get some #BenAndJerry's? Skoden...

#FoxNews saying exactly what they've been saying to every brown person they've ever come across. This is so very on point of them, making it out to sound like they are the ones injured in this scenario...🙄

#LandBack #Indigenous

On my way to Oslo to hang out outside Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.

In support of Sámi land rights.

Sámi rights are threatened throughout the Nordic Countries.

Land theft and suppression of self-determination.

We're still here.

This interactive world map allows anyone to see whose whenua they live on. Has been created by Native Land Digital - a Canadian not-for-profit org that's Indigenous-led, with an Indigenous Exec Dir & Board of Directors. #Māori are part of that team. #LandBack #Aotearoa #NZTwits #LandAcknowledgement

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