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Items tagged with: live

The NYD 24 Global Stream Parade officially kicks off in les than an hour at 0100 UTC.

This will be our thread for announcing upcoming stops on the parade route which can be seen at:

We and the broadcasters will use #NYD24Parade if you want to keep an eye out, or mute for the day. Boost the participants and let's celebrate discovering some of your fedi streaming friends.

#streaming #broadcasting #live #JoinIn #party #antiparty #community #friends #owncast #peertube

Please join us Wed 2100 US EST, Thur 0200 UTC on the RFF #owncast video channel for a live acoustic performance from visual, writing and music artist @SabiLewSounds

Help us test and explore #community spaces for performance, busking, discussion, listening parties, hangouts etc, in support and celebration of our creative fedizen friends.

#radioFreeFedi #live #streaming #acoustic #singerSongwriter #mastoMusic #liveMusic

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