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Items tagged with: lambdaMOO

@kentpitman's latest blog; and a poem;

Hangout will be in Paradise Sushi in #lambdaMOO #VR
telnet 8888
...connect as a guest...
@join screwtape

Tune into @northernlights #live now while you wait for us to go live in half an hour

#lispyGopherClimate #archived
#climate #academic the climate crisis at universities
why I think #lambdaMOO and #lisp indie #gameDev are our way forward with reference to #Heinlein's Cat Who Walks Through Walls (I made it to the last book, so...)

#music is gonna be @flockofnazguls #ModularTransmission live show from this week

I reworked my common lisp pseudo-MOO server to be a metacircularly programmable MOO first and foremost using a DSLGopher
#unix_surrealism @prahou

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