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Items tagged with: vaccine

Another mRNA #vaccine win:

Scientists have developed a cancer vaccine that can deliver treatments more effectively in people who have brain cancer and teach their immune systems to fight back. They’ve tested it successfully in four people now, and are moving on to more testing.
#health #science #vaccine #cancer

In the United States, the new #COVID19 #vaccine should be free — that's not a wish, that's a statement of fact. If you have health insurance, your insurer should pay for it outright or reimburse you. If you don't have insurance, you can still get it for free. All the details.👇
Get vaccinated.

"The smallpox and mpox #vaccine (MVA-BN), provided as a two-dose regimen, is currently the primary vaccine utilized against mpox...
We evaluated the real-world effectiveness of a single, subcutaneous dose of MVA-BN in this observational, retrospective cohort study...
The adjusted vaccine effectiveness was estimated at 86%."

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