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Items tagged with: whale

#China: aquariums in Shanghai & Shenzen opt for robotic #whale sharks to cut costs, leaving visitors feeling deceived.

Whale Sharks - a big tourist draw - can live over 100 years but only 5 years in captivity.

How #baleen #whales have adapted over past 50M years
The new study "Into the Blue: Exploring #genetic mechanisms behind the #evolution of #baleenwhales," explores key genetic adaptations of these diverse #whale species around #oceansβ€”giving new insights into risks and opportunities for their survival. The study looks at intriguing mammalsβ€”from gigantism of largest blue and fin whales, to diving and migratory abilities of other whales: including humpbacks, minkes & gray.

really enjoyed this story about scientists trying to identify a mystery #whale species by triangulating recordings (live tapes?) from across the world. the elusive cross seamount whale still hasn't been definitively sighted or identified.

So this is pretty cool. Two of the whales we saw on our whale watching tour are "new to science" i.e. haven't been reported by anyone anywhere on the planet, until I did πŸ˜€;enc=240883;event=490359;enc=240882;event=490358

So if you happen to go whale watching, make sure you photograph the underside of the tail and submit your sightings to

#citizenScience #science #whale

Whales were seen!

We found three pods of whales, most just a mother and calf, but one pod contained mother, calf and an escort.

They were all fairly placid, no breaches or jumps, but still cool to see these huge animals relatively close (closer than the shore anyway).

#whale #HumpbackWhale #AustralianWildlife

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