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Items tagged with: oceans

Newly Minted Ph.D. Studies Phytoplankton with NASA’s FjordPhyto Project #NASA #CitizenScience #EarthScience #Oceans

Ocean Science Missions and Projects #NASA #General #EarthScience #Oceans

How #baleen #whales have adapted over past 50M years
The new study "Into the Blue: Exploring #genetic mechanisms behind the #evolution of #baleenwhales," explores key genetic adaptations of these diverse #whale species around #oceans—giving new insights into risks and opportunities for their survival. The study looks at intriguing mammals—from gigantism of largest blue and fin whales, to diving and migratory abilities of other whales: including humpbacks, minkes & gray.

Surfing NASA’s Internet of Animals: Satellites Study Ocean Wildlife #NASA #General #AmesResearchCenter #AmesResearchCenterSScienceDirectorate #Oceans

Early Adopters of NASA’s PACE Data to Study Air Quality, Ocean Health #NASA #Earth #Oceans

NASA’s PACE To Investigate Oceans, Atmospheres in Changing Climate #NASA #Earth #EarthScience #EarthSAtmosphere #Oceans

Marine #microorganisms are crucial for #ocean health.

#Bacteria, #archaea, #fungi, #algae and #viruses make up most of the biomass in the seas and form the base of marine food webs.

They support nutrient cycling and drive crucial biogeochemical processes, including key steps in the carbon, nitrogen and silicon cycles.

Ocean modelling must evolve to take their biological complexity into account.

#biology #ecology #oceans

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