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Which distro is your home? 💚

#linux #windows

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just switched to @fedora on my Main PC.

Currently #debian on my @frameworkcomputer and will probably switch to fedora on that too :BlobhajTinyHeart:

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What beats #Arch on desktop, #Debian on server...
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to It's FOSS

#NixOS because I'm a dev and I like having 1 file to configure my entire #homelab
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Manjaro KDE, it's been like that for a while. I used Mint for a brief time but found it bloated compared to other distros. Headless server either Debian or Arch (that last one, even though riskier, had offered me lots of fun)
in reply to It's FOSS

#endeavouros has been my main on my PC for the past few years. I distro hop often, but endeavour is what I typically return to.
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Ubuntu, already for 17 years. Installed it for my parents (80+) as well, no problems there.
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@rockylinux is my daily driver. It's on my laptop, my home lab KVM server, and my primary VMs.
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It is more about DE/WM rather than distro itself 🙂 And, no, having "windows-esque" appearance is not even 50% of total experience. Any Linux distro, even with #cinnamon will feel quite wild for Windows users anyway, especially for not-techies 🤓
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I'm still a n00b. My first serious complaint is that nemo keeps freezing during transfers between fast drives windows has never. I cant do Mint when real work begins, because I cant be reinstalling and setting up every time a "fix" fails. But I will. :")

Am I on the way to Linux power user? Anger is first step. xD

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For Desktop - Cachy OS and Garuda OS, both Arch based, for my home server - Ubuntu, which is debian based.
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NixOS btw. Virtually every other distro is essentially trash, and I honestly don't understand why most of the others could still be in active development at this point, haha. Once you try a declarative operating system, the others just look like garbage.
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Proxmox for hypervisors, NixOS/Lix for everything else - servers, desktops, laptops, tablet, cross-platform dev tooling.
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gentoo ! I moved on fedora but will never forget the smell of freedom with this distro.
Unthinkable to use windows even for 5 minutes it's a nightmare.
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#fedora for my laptop, and #gentoo for my desktop. They both work wonderfully!

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