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Items tagged with: JWST

Sur la photo, dans la boîte d’insertion, on peut lire JADES-GS-z14-0, une faible tache d’une galaxie qui s’est formée seulement 300 millions d’années après le début de l’univers. En termes techniques, cette galaxie se trouve au décalage vers le rouge record de z=14,32.
#astrophysique #galaxie #Univers #science #cosmos #JWST #TSJW #Webb #télescope #NASA #ASE #ASC

If I was to name that nebula it, I would have called it the Cheetah nebula 🙂

#nasa #nebula #jwst

Hey @nasa, would you please provide alt text/descriptions for the photos you post on this account? I'd love to enjoy the photos like I do for the #JWST photos on Twitter.

Thanks. It's good for #accessibility for those of us who are blind or otherwise need descriptions.

"Now Witness the Firepower of this fully Armed and Operational Telescope." - Astronomer Palpatine. 🙂

"Alignment of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is now complete. After full review, the observatory has been confirmed to be capable of capturing crisp, well-focused images with each of its four powerful onboard science instruments."

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