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Items tagged with: Science

On Friday, I was informed by a collaborator and friend that postdocs on a probationary period at the United States Geological Survey Coastal Sciences Office in St. Pete to short, Florida, were fired on 30 minutes notice. They received an email that they were terminated and they had 30 minutes to cleat out their offices, download data, and leave. At that point they would no longer have access to their computers and their key cards would not work.


In September 2024, Hurricane Helene roared into western North Carolina. Record-breaking winds, rain & floods damaged & destroyed homes, businesses, roads & forests across the region.

Over two dozen of the area’s best writers & artists contributed to “Stronger than the Storm” & all profits benefit local recovery efforts.

My copy just arrived & I encourage you to support the communities hit hardest by the Helene. #science #books

The father of evolutionary biology, Charles Darwin, was born on this day in 1809.

Happy Darwin Day!
#science #history

US to cut billions in medical research funding

“Sick kids may not get the treatment they need. Clinical trials may be shut down abruptly with dangerous consequences. Just because Elon Musk doesn’t understand indirect costs doesn’t mean Americans should have to pay the price with their lives"

#AcademicChatter #NIH #science #medicine

US government is absolutely detrimental to #science and its applications.

Scientific society under pressure after Trump DEI crackdown.

US funding freezes are endangering global health.

Scientists globally are racing to save vital health databases taken down amid Trump chaos.

Fake papers are contaminating the world’s scientific literature, fueling a corrupt industry and slowing legitimate lifesaving medical research.

This detailed breakdown of a serious problem is a must read. And it is getting worse, much worse.
#Fraud #ScientificMisconduct
#PaperMills #Science #Scicomm

Do you like spicy foods or are hot peppers a hard pass? I broke down the #science of how spice - the chemical compound capsaicin - affects our bodies & brains 🌶️

Did you know red meat contributes up to 30% of agricultural emissions? It's one reason the ag sector is the 2nd-largest greenhouse gas emitter after energy. But not all meats have the same impact - on the planet or our personal health.

The new episode of Serving Up Science considers the best options for both our bodies & the environment! 🥩 (And don't worry, we're not out to take anyone's steak away). #science #food #environment #climatechange

Alcohol consumption is the 3rd leading preventable cause of cancer.

Risk communication scientists have been talking about this for a long time, but it’s v interesting to see this as the top headline at NYT. It’s about time. #science #health

Well, this is fascinating! The city of Poznan, Poland uses eight clams to control their water supply. When the water is clean, they remain open, but close when contaminated, closing a sensor harmlessly glued to their shell. Computers do the rest. After three months, the clams are returned to their original home and replaced with new clams. #science #health #clever


A bright meteor burned up in the atmosphere while capturing Andromeda Galaxy.

By: Jose Pedrero

#astronomy #space #science

A little science with your Monday evening repast?

Ghost leaves!

Post oak (Quercus stellata) dead leaves were lying on the concrete driveway. It rained, then we had a couple of days of heavy fog. The rain & fog leached the quercitannic acid out of the leaves, bleaching the concrete under them. #science

if male reindeers drop their antlers after the autumn mating season, Rudolph the red nosed reindeer must have selected the pronouns him/his.
#christmas #rudolphtherednosedreindeer #rudolph #science #queer

‘Tis the season to remember that all of Santa’s reindeer are female.

You see, males drop their antlers after the Autumn mating season, so since the world’s most celebrated reindeer are always depicted with spectacular antlers, we must assume that Ol’ Saint Nick’s entire intrepid team - including Rudolph - are female. #science #Christmas

"What do we know about cosmic rays with energies above 5 EeV?"
...really not that much, but it's also the title of a nice and compact short review o #astroph today by J. Biteau, which I recommend!

#astrodon #astronomy #science

#Introduction Hi #fediverse ! We’re the European Southern Observatory, and we design, build and operate ground-based telescopes.

One of them is our Extremely Large Telescope, currently under construction in #Chile. It will have a 39 m mirror, and its rotating enclosure will weigh 6100 tonnes, or about 700 mastodons!

We’re looking forward to chatting with all of you about #astronomy

📷 ESO/G. Vecchia

#astrodon #astrophysics #space #science

Would highly recommend Every Living Thing by Jason Roberts - wonderful dual biography of Linnaeus and Buffon. Many fascinating anecdotes about both - especially Linnaeus, who was a bit of a character.

#books #science #ScienceHistory #evolution

thanks for joining the #fediverse !

Bringing #science and #evidence based education to everyone is a shared value here. ✅🧠

Let us know how we can help. #science

Researchers have identified a species of #frog Limnonectes phyllofolia who is completely new to #science. The tiny #Indonesian #amphibian is in the possession of tiny fangs used for defending territory #Boycottpalmoil

This professor has taken on RFK Jr. for opposing vaccines
“The antivaccine ecosystem … has evolved over time, starting in 1998 with false assertions around autism. I think the big game-changer is how the antivaccine movement got adopted by a major political party starting around the 2010s. I think that really amplified it, gave it funding, gave it political relevance. I think that’s a big piece to this. And the third piece is how it’s globalizing”
#VaccinesWork #Science

This is happening. #science #environment

In memory of Carl Sagan, born on this date in 1934. His unquenchable curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and knowledge, combined with his astute intellect and keen insights and powers of observation, make many of his eloquent writings seem eerily prophetic. But he’d be the last person to attribute them to supernatural powers; they came from the honing of his natural ones.
His quote below begins, “Science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking.”…
#CarlSagan #quote #science

The European Space Agency's Euclid space telescope is assembling the largest 3D map of the universe ever made.

The first section is now complete. Take a look at what happens when you zoom in... #space #science #astronomy #nature

#PPOD: Aringa Ora O Te Tupuna (The Living Face of the Ancestors)

Award-winning photographer Josh Dury captured this stunning picture of the Milky Way over Easter Island and some of its famous Maoi. From his Instagram post: "A truly unforgettable night from one of the darkest places on Earth, surrounded by a place and a community that is close to my heart. One of the most powerful, emotional moments of my life."

Credit: Josh Dury

#space #science #astrophotography

Insertions and Deletions: Computational Methods, Evolutionary Dynamics, and Biological Applications #science #evolution #biology #genome

Weekend #Plankton #Factoid 🦠🦐
Research on how bacteria and archaea interact with other members of the plankton food-web is much more advanced in #ocean systems compared to freshwaters, but still very much unknown. They are food, but we also know of many cases of apparent symbiosis between #bacteria and organisms, with bacteria providing bioluminescence, energy via photosynthesis, or B vitamins, but how common is this? Read about the mission here. #science #ClimateChange

Just finished this biography of George Beadle, written by Paul Berg and Maxine Singer. Rare to find a biography of an amazing scientist written by two other very accomplished scientists.

Lots of fascinating stories about early genetics research.

#science #scienceHistory

There are many valid reasons to be skeptical of geoengineering & still a lot of opportunities to address #ClimateChange that don’t involve the uncertainty of tinkering with the planet.

Lumping geoengineering skepticism with conspiracy theorists in a headline is terrible framing. #science

Computer models designed to simulate slime molds (left) turn out to be exceptionally good at simulating the large-scale structure of the universe (right).

Similar network patterns appear across scales differing by 30 orders of magnitude! #science #nature #astronomy

I've just been reminded of this masterwork book cover. I hope someday my work is cool enough to merit something even half as weird. #Science #ScientificIllustration #Genomics #EvolutionaryBiology

A newly discovered bacterium, Uabimicrobium helgolandensis, eats other bacteria and is a kind of 'bacteria of prey,' that should not even exist based on previous concepts about microbial cells. It could be a kind of microbial missing link, researchers suggest.

#biology #nature #life #cell #microbiology #science #research

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