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Items tagged with: academicpublishing

Have you ever thought about questionable research practices (QRPs) in academia?

The Retraction Watch team have highlighted this new paper in PLoSOne that has a systematic analysis. The authors identify 25 QRPs and then survey a lot of academics.

The results are interesting, widespread use of QRPs, sort of a grey area of acedemic behaviour, with some explanatory factors.

I'm bookmarking this for future use.

#academia #academicchatter #research #researchethics #academicpublishing

MIT dropped its contract with Elsevier, the huge scientific journal company. Their library instead arranged alternate access to journals and tools for researchers to get them. They’re saving $2 million/year:

#academicpublishing #OpenAccess #science #scientificpublishing

The negotiations of #SwissUniversities "with Elsevier have not yet resulted in a mutually acceptable agreement. As the current agreement ends on 31 Dec 2023, preparations were put in place for a scenario without agreement as of 2024."
#Elsevier #publishing #AcademicPublishing #OpenAccess #NoDeal

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