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Items tagged with: bioinformatics

Minimap2-rs v0.1.22 has released! This only fixes a memory segfault under certain conditions. I have added some better examples for using mpsc channels or rayon.

#rust #rustlang #bioinformatics #genomics #nanopore #pacbio

New tool from me: I wrote a local aligner that can do approximate reference-based alignment and find genes in a query microbial genome, without a separate indexing step or any temporary disk space usage.

Written fully in Rust and there will be a browser version out later: 1/3

#rust #rustlang #bioinformatics

[New paper]: Two subtle problems with over-representation analysis.
ORA is a type of enrichment analysis that analyses over-represented functional categories in gene lists. These tools have accumulated ~190k citations, but they have subtly different behaviours. Here we unpack the differences and investigate two subtle problems in some implementations, which may have negatively impacted those 190k research papers.
#genomics #bioinformatics

Our new preprint on the impact of protein phosphorylation on structures is now out!

Protein phosphorylation is a key regulator of cellular processes.It's ubiquitous, yet the function and relevance of most phosphosites is unknown. Understanding phosphosite function requires elucidating the structural mechanisms through which it acts. (1)

@bioinformatics @strucbio #bioinformatics #protein #StructuralBiology

Profile and Binomica Labs registered on!

I'll be doing a lot more Halobacteria & Halococcus work in the near future, looking forward to sharing some interesting notes

#microbiology #archaea #bioinformatics

The SplitsTree App: interactive analysis and visualization using phylogenetic trees and networks

#evolution #bioinformatics

PhD Student in Virology/Bionformatics

Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg

The project will investigate genomic features in DVG and DI formation in #enteroviruses using #molecular biology and #bioinformatics.

See the full job description on jobRxiv:

Funded PhD Position in metagenomics of environmental films

Texas Tech University

Exciting funded PhD opportunity studying metagenomics of environmental films

See the full job description on jobRxiv:

#biofilms #bioinformatics #biology #metag...

1) Want to know how much of your metagenome is eukaryotic? No references? No problem. We developed SingleM microbial fraction (SMF) and ran it on 250k metagenomes

If you know what Eukaryotes are there, you can filter reads by mapping to their genomes. However, often you don’t know what’s in your sample, or the euk doesn’t have a genome.

#metagenomics #bioinformatics #genomics #microbiomes #microbialecology

"Indexing All Life's Known Biological #Sequences"

"In this work, we take advantage of recently developed, very efficient data structures and algorithms for representing sequence sets. We make Petabases of DNA sequences across all clades of life, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, plants, animals, and humans, fully searchable and make the indexes available to the research community"

#bioinformatics #database

Remembering the first Canadian #Bioinformatics Workshop: #CBW1999 … we used to use mouse pads back then! #25YearsofCBW This was a useful one for those didn’t know their standard genetic code by heart #oldbioinformaticsthings

Hello sugar people of the :fediverse: . My former collegue Bernard Henrissat now in 🇩🇰 is looking for a #PhD student in a Marie Sklodowska-Curie 🇪🇺 training network to work with him at the Technical University of Denmark. More info:
The deadline for application is May 31st, 2024 and the job will start in November.

Skills desired: #bioinformatics, general biology (++ #carbohydrates) and fluency in 🇬🇧.
Eligibility: the candidate should not have worked in 🇩🇰 before.

Bioinformaticians are impatient👇
Conda is notorious slow... then I found mamba, then I found
pixi : Blazing fast cross-platform package management for teams.
By the creators of the mamba package manager. #bioinformatics

There's a new minimap2 release with ONT specific accurate long reads setting. Looking forward to giving it a test run!

#bioinformatics #microbiology

[New preprint] Direction-aware functional class scoring enrichment analysis of Infinium DNA methylation data
#Genomics #Epigenetics #Bioinformatics
In this article we outline a refined method for pathway enrichment of infinium array data that is more sensitive and precise as compared to existing over-representation approaches. Feedback welcome.

Looking for some suggestions - I'm working with Archaeal genomic regions whose optimally fitting model seems to be Tamura-Nei (

Would it be too much to suspect the Archaeal region is under similar types of evolutionary pressure?

#archaea #microbiology #evolution #phylogenetics #bioinformatics

Large language models improve annotation of prokaryotic viral proteins

#virology #viruses #bioinformatics #genomics

Scalable, accessible and reproducible reference genome assembly and evaluation in Galaxy

#genomics #bioinformatics

Gotta check these out!

Robust, scalable, and informative clustering for diverse biological networks

#bioinformatics #genomics #genetics #statistics

Stowers is starting up a paid training program for bioinformatics, please share with anyone who might be interested in something like that! (in Kansas City)


Contrasting drivers of abundant phage and prokaryotic communities revealed in diverse coastal ecosystems
#microbiology #bioinformatics

If anyone is looking for the WGCNA tutorials while the Horvath's lab website has been down for a while, there's a Dropbox link with all the tutorials here:


At my workplace, we're looking into how we can support the processing of very large datasets in R. It would be wonderful if some bioinformaticians could answer a couple of questions to direct us to the problem points.

We're hoping that we can publish something out of this that will be helpful to everyone in the field:

#rstats #bioinformatics

Just FYI, as announced earlier this week, we've stopped using X/Twitter (both our OBF account and BOSC) - Mastodon users can follow us here or @BOSC for our annual #Bioinformatics #OpenSource conference specifically.

Come work with us! I have a PhD position available to help understand which mutations in the non-coding parts of coding transcripts have functional consequences in Stem Cells.

We will using genome wide mesaurement of the effect of variation in miRNA binding sites to address when vairation causes changes in regulation and when it doesn't.

Mixed wetlab, bioinformatics and statistics project.

#phdPosition #PhD #bioinformatics #UTR #miRNA #genetics

Very happy to share our new publication in PLOS ONE:

KIPEs3: Automatic annotation of biosynthesis pathways

Excellent work by Andreas Rempel (Bielefeld University) and Nancy Choudhary (@PuckerLab @tubraunschweig #Bioinformatics #OpenAccess

#bioawk is a command-line gem; it’s an extension of awk that auto-assigns variables for BED, SAM, VCF, GFF, and FASTX[AQ] format files, speeding up routine tasks.

$3:qual (FASTQ only)

Found in @vsbuffalo’s great #Bioinformatics Data Skills.

PhylteR: efficient identification of outlier sequences in phylogenomic datasets.

PhylteR can automatically identify sequences likely to be hidden paralogs or horizontally transferred genes in very large datasets. Removing those sequences therefore reduces noise in downstream analyses.

Available as an R package on CRAN or as docker and singularity images.



#Phylogeny #Genomics #bioinformatics #Phylogenomics

#PhD positions available in my group for Fall 2024 - projects focusing on #GiantVirus diversity and #evolution. Opportunities for both molecular wet-lab and #bioinformatics research.

The lab is fun, supportive, and inclusive, and we have many cool new viruses we are studying, so come join us!

Please boost and spread the word!

Finally, after decades, Excel will let you opt-in to not having your data automatically mangled. A spreadsheet is still not a database.
#excel #dataanalysis #research #bioinformatics

Registrations are now open for the 2nd edition of the course "Analysis of Prokaryotic Pangenomes" with @jomcinerney & Alan Beavan.

Check it out:

#Pangenomes #Bioinformatics

We have a PhD vacancy. Structural and functional protein bioinformatics, with a focus on bacteria-phage interactions #phage #bioinformatics

A new look for the group's website - #Arthropod Evolutionary-Functional #Genomics at 🐞🧬🦟🧬🦋🧬🐝
New Environmental #Bioinformatics Group
@SIB - #DataScience solutions to address environmental challenges 💻🧬📊🌍🛜🌦️🌄📋🔭

What could go wrong?
#genomics #bioinformatics

I just found `alv` (, a tool for viewing multiple sequence alignments on the command line, and it's perfect. I needed a tool to highlight differences and `alv -f fasta -t aa --only-variable aln.afa` does just that. Would prefer the numbering to start at 1 since sequence variants are 1-based #bioinformatics (Data from ERR031940.)

Anyone have advice on how to get the Spades genome assembler to use less memory?

#Spades #bioinformatics

I wrote a short guide on how to build both alignment-free and reference-based prokaryote phylogenetic trees from SNP alignments without using snippy, check it out

#bioinformatics #genomics

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