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Items tagged with: Native

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This is the flagship.

For rock solid reliability, developer support, lowest downtime, high demand/large follower/celebrity accounts, upgrades within hours of release & pro managed Mastodon hosting we recommend for Native/Indigenous people & true Allies.

#Native #Indigenous #Allies

It's an unique technique to show the world slowly being unveiled by European exploration. Published by Quin in 1846 we see a world still shrouded in clouds and waiting for illumination. (This map reaches up to 1551 A.D.)
Would love to see a similar map of first nations/native peoples perspective, who had reached the depths of the Amazon and Patagonia, and even islands of the Pacific, without knowledge of Europeans.
#maps #history #map #cartography #Native #america

Te reo Māori inspires Native American to save her own Indigenous language from extinction

"I feel grounded being in Aotearoa because I can see the support and the love for te reo and Māori culture, and it gives me the reassurance that I can do this." #Indigenous #Native #Indigedon #IndigenousMastodon #TeReoMāori #Paiute

Diseases like small-pox were weaponized by colonizers to eliminate Native Americans. They tried this on Native Hawaiians, but we used contact-tracing, lockdowns, vaccines & universal healthcare (which we invented) to prevent biological warfare from wiping out our people. #Native

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