Items tagged with: Trains
In case you missed it, the hackers who reverse-engineered DRM on Polish trains got sued by the train manufacturer…
…multiple times.
You can donate to their defense fund:
Their original talk from last year
My piece about the first lawsuit against them
Breaking "DRM" in Polish trains
We've all been there: the trains you're servicing for a customer suddenly brick themselves and the manufacturer claims that's because
Build it and people will ride: “The Amtrak Borealis, a new rail line connecting Chicago and Minneapolis-St. Paul, has only been operating for about a month, but already thousands of passengers have taken the trip. That ridership has exceeded Amtrak’s expectations—and hints at the growing desire among Americans to travel by train.”
#Transportation #Mobility #Transit #Trains #Railways #ShortHaulTravel #UrbanPlanning #RegionalPlanning #TrainTravel #Amtrak #AmtrakBorealis