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Items tagged with: FediPact

John Gruber Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About

Content warning: Note: This entry is part of our new Opinion section, which exists to offer different perspectives from various voices on the network. Members of the community are absolutely encouraged to submit their own pieces for publication. John Gruber, legendary Mac

how long until threads threatens to or actually does start blocking for allowing nudity?

would dot social bend the knee in that scenario and change their policy? probably

#FediPact #meta #threads

me, vanta, trans enby girl polyam lesbian gender terrorist: "people should block threads because it will make fedi unsafe for queer people"

the verge, for some reason: "OBVIOUSLY it's a bunch of NERD BOYS trying to keep the WOMEN out"

#FediPact #meta #threads

saw a post earlier linking to

it said something like "look at how ridiculously long this list is, this isn't a battle you have to fight alone"

and it legiterally warmed my heart lol

#FediPact #meta #threads

why should we federate with them when...

"extreme anti-trans hate content remains widespread across instagram, facebook, and threads. characterized by fear-mongering, lies, conspiracy theories, dehumanizing tropes, and violent rhetoric, these posts — many by high-follower accounts — aim to boost engagement, generate revenue, and seed hateful narratives about trans, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming people. these accounts profit from such hate, and so does meta and its shareholders"

#FediPact #meta #threads

Content warning: :over18: vantaboobs, FediPact :over18:


some accessibility concerns with have been brought to my attention and i'm working on addressing them. more specifically, the readability of the color contrast and the animations

i wanna put a button on there that flips the text and background colors, making it hot pink on black, and disables the animated floating hearts (they're already disabled if the user has "reduced motion" on)

i just... don't have the web design skills necessary to do so lol. BUT someone else is working on it!!! so it should be fixed and better soonsies

thanks to everyone who pointed this out :heart_cyber_pink:

#FediPact #meta #threads

Another reason why Mark Zuckerberg's fedi server #Threads will be blocked by Veganism Social.

#FediPact #Vegan


no. we're not. nothing anywhere on says anything about that lmao

i have seen exactly one example of someone planning to do this, and that's it

it's being blown ridiculously outta proportion

#FediPact #meta #threads

there've been widespread reports of threads pushing virulently transphobic bullshit into peoples' instagram feeds to advertise itself

that should tell you all you need to know about why we're so against meta federating

threads is NOT a safe place for trans people, period

#FediPact #threads #meta

this is why many people who're so adamantly against federating with threads are so goddamn ANGRY

we're so fucking tired tired of having our safe spaces -- our refuges against queerphobia -- ripped away from us

queer people, outcasts, weirdos, etc. -- we built this fucking this network. we laid the groundwork for its very existence and now you're trying to tell us we don't matter, that we should just give it all up in the face of some evil megacorp. well fuck that

we're not going down without a fight

#FediPact #threads #meta

Thanks for this. So important to have this #fedipact talked about with a sane POV.

@ #fediverse check this out.

Is This Love?

Shining light on the current events by adding them to the sidebar, oh what will we track next?

#fediDB #fediDBDiaries #fediPact #Threadiverse #WordPress

me, vanta, trans enby girl polyam lesbian gender terrorist: "people should block threads because it will make fedi unsafe for queer people"

the verge, for some reason: "OBVIOUSLY it's a bunch of NERD BOYS trying to keep the WOMEN out"

#FediPact #meta #threads

the thing is, you really don't even need to look at #Facebook's past to know blocking Threads is an absolute must. there are literally organisations calling for the murder of queer people with accounts on #Threads RIGHT NOW.

any instance that commits to "active moderation against racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia" (which includes all the instances in , by the way) is in violation of their own ToS if they DON'T block Threads.

#FediPact #Meta #FediblockMeta

Content warning: Facebook, meta, slurs, antisemitism

In general there are two distinct reactions to #Meta:

1) no way, no how -- either because of their history, the strong presence of anti-trans and racist groups on #Threads, belief there's no way to mitigate threats, or whatever. #FediPact is an example of this.

2) acknowledging all those issues but weighing them against potential upsides and considering what criteria make sense. Yours is one of the best-thought-out examples of this I've seen so far.

@captdust @realitythreek


there's a countdown timer live at

one day and twenty three hours remain

the time is fast upon us...


I think I found the domain name of #Threads, #Meta's new #Fedi-enabled service, also codenamed #Project92, #P92, and #Barcelona.

IPv6: 2a03:2880:f231:c5:face:b00c:0:43fe (note "face:b00c")

Looking up returns #Instagram's logo, the title "Barcelona" and "this page isn't available" (probably because it's not open yet).

I'd recommend every #MastoAdmin #FediAdmin in the #FediPact to #FediBlock them before they go live on the #Fediverse!

Regarding the position of on #Meta and in the Fediverse, #FediPact etc.

After discussion between myself and the other mods and considering the views expressed by the people on our instance we have decided that pre-emptive blocking of Meta is warranted.

There is more detail on the background and explanation of this decision in a post on our companion site, here:

Thanks to our people for their comments and suggestions to help us reach this decision.

We, the moderation and administration of, are signing the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact in fellowship with our peer communities. (

There is over a decade of precedent that Facebook will not have users' best interests as their guiding principle but rather profit margins, if it joins the Fediverse.

We at have long held the belief that corporation owned instances are a threat to the core of the Fediverse: freedom for users to be themselves and to be a part of their communities. The 2010s saw the loss of online freedom when the majority of the Web was consolidated into a few destinations, and Facebook entering here could lead us back to centralization. Furthermore, NDAs for server admins will constrain our sovereignty online by binding us legally from disrupting their business.

We are not products. We are people, and we do not welcome Facebook in this space.

#meta #FediPact #facebook #project92 #mastodon #fediverse #FediBlockMeta #FediAdmin #p92 #MastoAdmin

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