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Items tagged with: Melbourne

A #Melbourne council is offering Rubbish Dating, speed dating while picking up trash. Not sure if this is an amazing or terrible idea

There’s a community garden that also sometimes offers Weed Dating, speed dating while pulling out weeds

Took the kids to Melbourne Museum today to see 'Relics', a temporary exhibition depicting a post-apocalyptic world where LEGO minifigs have risen from the debris to craft new civilisations in discarded human artefacts.

I have to say that this repurposed old Space Invaders cab certainly caught my eye.

#lego #retrogaming #videogames #arcadegames #museum #melbourne

As we (humans) get to grips with how to scale up #hydrogen as an energy source (and for energy storage) and as part replacement for #fossilfuels, this new research (once again) shows that #microbes have beaten us to it and evolved their own solutions for energy - in this case using hydrogen power.

This new research in Nature Microbiology explores how hydrogen in seawater supports growth of multiple and diverse #bacterial species.

Fof those (like me) in #Melbourne , you may be interested that the research also includes study of this process within #PortPhillipBay sediments.

Learn more on:

#microbiology #bacteria #ecology #MicrobialEcology

there are #QR #code #posters here in #Melbourne for #reporting #graffiti to the #council - and #someone has been #printing their own and #carefully #placing them over the #official ones
they lead to a #documentary on #hiphop/graffiti #culture
it's perfect #because the QR posters are #uglier than any bit of #street #art

Righto. I think I'm ready to welcome a dozen or so people to help me test

Signups are manually approved. Extra priority points if you call #Melbourne home. Boosts welcomed.

Pressure spike in #Melbourne right on cue after this afternoon’s volcanic #eruption in #Tonga.

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