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Items tagged with: OTD

Major General Robert White earned his astronaut wings in the X-15 when he reached 95.9 km (59.6 mi) in altitude #OTD in 1962, setting a world record.

Oh, and he was also the first pilot to fly to Mach 4, 5 & 6 #avgeeks #aviation @NASAaero

đź“· @usairforce

#OTD in 2011, NASA's Dawn spacecraft entered Vesta's orbit, studying the asteroid's geology and composition. Dawn revealed that Vesta is actually a protoplanet surviving from the earliest days of the solar system!

Learn more about the Dawn mission:

Fueling up for an epic day in spaceflight history 🥩 🍳

Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin were joined by Bill Anders (left) and Deke Slayton (right) for the traditional pre-flight breakfast of steak and eggs hours before liftoff #OTD in 1969.

This is aerospace engineer John C. Houbolt, the leading proponent of the lunar orbit rendezvous (LOR) plan (chosen #OTD in 1962) which made possible John F. Kennedy's goal of sending astronauts to the Moon and bringing them back home safely before the end of the 1960s. 🧵

#OTD 12 years ago, the Space Shuttle Atlantis approaches the space station for docking for the last time on July 10, 2011. The final flight of the Space Shuttle program has us remembering many triumphs, fallen heroes, and signature moments. More:
#otd #iss

The Day Communication Went Global 🌍

Telstar 1, the world's first active communication satellite, was launched by NASA #OTD in 1962. Almost two weeks later, it relayed the first live transatlantic TV broadcast.

Watch 1962 news footage:

đź“· @BellLabs

"Music is a hidden arithmetic exercise of the soul, which does not know that it is counting."

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was born #OTD in 1646. He was a mathematician, philosopher, scientist and diplomat. He is a prominent figure in both the history of philosophy and the history of mathematics. He wrote works on philosophy, theology, ethics, politics, law, history and philology. via @Wikipedia

Books by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz at PG:

#books #philosophy #mathematics

#OTD in 1967, Robert H. Lawrence was chosen for the MOL program: the first African-American selected as an astronaut for a U.S. space program. Tragically, he was killed in an accident before going to space.

More about Lawrence's legacy:

📸 @usairforce

#OTD in 1965, NASA formally announced its first class of scientist-astronaut candidates ⚛️🔭🩺

1st row: F. Curtis Michel, Harrison Schmitt, Joseph Kerwin. 2nd row: Owen Garriott and Edward Gibson

Read Joe Kerwin's essay about being part of this class:

The last Shuttle mission with a crew of two 👨‍🚀 👨‍🚀

#OTD in 1982, Apollo 16 astronaut Ken Mattingly and pilot Henry Hartsfield launched on the 4th and final test flight of the Space Shuttle Program, STS-4.

Learn more:

Remembering Steve Soto, founding member of California punk rock band Agent Orange in 1979, founding member of Adolescents in 1980, died on this day in 2018 at the age of 54.

Photo by John Gilhooley

#punk #punks #punkrock #stevesoto #history #punkrockhistory #otd

"What a way to come to California!" —Bob Crippen, STS-7 Commander

STS-7 touched down at Edwards Air Force Base #OTD in 1983, successfully completing Space Shuttle Challenger's 2nd mission.

More about STS-7, NASA's first space mission to include a woman:

Born in Hawaii #OTD in 1946, Ellison Onizuka served in the @usairforce before making history as the first Asian-American astronaut to reach space. He tragically lost his life on the Space Shuttle Challenger accident in 1986.

More on Onizuka's legacy:

Pete Conrad, Joe Kerwin, and Paul Weitz splashed down in the Pacific Ocean #OTD in 1973, successfully completing the Skylab 2 mission. #Skylab50

The record for longest time spent in space was now 28 days.

With 135 Space Shuttle missions spanning 1981-2011, what makes NASA's 57th special? #OTD 30 years ago, STS-57 launched with the first Spacehab module, providing extra workspace for experiments.

Read more about the mission:

#OTD in 2008, the Ocean Surface Topography Mission/Jason-2 satellite launched to measure changes in sea-level rise. For a decade, it helped display the relationship between ocean circulation and climate change as well as weather forecasts!

Read more:

Cruising into Monday like a boss âś…

Space Shuttle Endeavour (STS-111) made a picture-perfect landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California #OTD in 2002. @NASAArmstrong

More moments from Endeavour's history:

#OtD 18 June 2017, a new sculpture in Midleton, Ireland, was dedicated to the Native American Choctaw nation, in recognition of support from the Choctaw people during the great famine in 1847

The "8 Balls" astronaut class turns 10 today! 🎱

NASA's 21st astronaut class of 8 exceptional men and women, chosen from >6,000 candidates, was announced #OTD in 2013. 2 of them, @Astro_Christina and @AstroVicGlover, have since been selected to fly to the Moon on #Artemis II.

The GOES-2 and GOES-3 geosynchronous satellites were launched #OTD in 1977 and 1978, respectively. The GOES program continues today, providing valuable up-to-date information on local weather, forest fires, and volcano activity.

About the GOES program:

#OTD in 1973, the Skylab 2 crew made their first observations of a solar flare, recording the long-awaited event with unprecedented detail! #Skylab50

Want to learn more about Skylab's solar observations? We have a book on that!

#OTD in 1967, Mariner V launched to Venus on a flyby mission to learn about the planet's atmosphere.

With an atmospheric pressure more than 90 times Earth's and a temperature of 527 °C, we learned Venus wasn't so similar to Earth after all!


Hubble's spectacular image of Eta Carinae was released #OTD in 1996!

Explore this fascinating star's history with @nasa astronomer Dr. Keith Noll.

Find out more:

Gemini IV, crewed by @NASA_Astronauts Jim McDivitt and Ed White, splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean #OTD in 1965 after a successful 4-day mission including the first ever American spacewalk.

More about Gemini IV:

#OTD in 1973, astronauts Pete Conrad and Joe Kerwin were finally able to free the jammed solar array during a challenging 3 hour and 25 minute spacewalk.

Skylab's power source was restored and the crew could get back to doing science!

Space Life Science-1 (SLS-1), launched on Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-40) #OTD in 1991, was the first Spacelab mission dedicated to life sciences research AND the first NASA mission to have 3 women on board.

Research took place in a module, shown here, in Columbia's cargo bay.

When construction of NASA's first Space Shuttle began #OTD in 1974, its name hadn't yet been chosen. First called the Constitution, it was later named Enterprise after the fictional ship in #StarTrek! đź––

Learn about Enterprise and its naming process:

Astronauts Tom Stafford and Gene Cernan blasted off in the Gemini 9A spacecraft #OTD in 1966 for a 3-day mission to practice docking with a target vehicle and test a new propulsion system on a spacewalk.

Things didn't go quite as planned ➡️

"This is the greatest experience, it's just tremendous."

#OTD in 1965, Gemini IV astronaut Ed White became the first American to perform a spacewalk, floating for 23 minutes while attached to the spacecraft.

Read about his spacewalk:

đź“· by Jim McDivitt

#OTD in 1971, Mariner 9 was launched. Nearly 6 months later, it became the first spacecraft to orbit another planet, beating the Soviets' Mars 2 🛰️

Mariner 9 transmitted 7,329 photos of Mars back to Earth, including this one of Ascraeus Mons volcano.

The Apollo 10 astronauts splashed down in the Pacific Ocean just as the Sun was rising #OTD in 1969. 🌅

Stafford, Young, and Cernan's successful mission cleared the way for the first humans to land on the Moon a few months later in July.

6 hours after Skylab 2 launched #OTD in 1973, the crew reached Skylab and got its first view of the damage.

The protective shield of the Orbital Workshop was missing, one of the solar arrays was gone, and the other only partially deployed. #Skylab50


Scott Carpenter became the 2nd American to orbit Earth #OTD in 1962 with the launch of Mercury-Atlas 7. Despite a faulty horizon scanner and a delay in firing retrorockets for reentry, Carpenter manually piloted his Aurora 7 capsule to a safe splashdown.

NASA Administrator James Fletcher appeared before a Senate Committee #OTD in 1973, to detail the plans coming together for Skylab's repair. If the repairs were successful, most of the activities scheduled for the Skylab 3 and 4 missions would still be possible! #Skylab50

Tom Stafford and Gene Cernan, circling the Moon in the Apollo 10 Lunar Module (LM) fly to within 50,000 feet of the lunar surface #OTD in 1969. Two months later, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin would complete the descent.

đź“· The LM as seen by John Young in the Command Module

Hubble captured the first image #OTD in 2002!

This star is 20,000 light-years away, at the outer edge of our Milky Way Galaxy. In this sonification, scientists mapped brightness to pitch and volume, and the surrounding stars are pitched to musical notes:

America's first spacecraft to orbit Venus, the Pioneer-Venus Orbiter, was launched #OTD in 1978. The spacecraft's radar penetrated Venus's thick atmosphere, allowing scientists to produce this topographical map of the surface. @NASASolarSystem

Learn more:

"Houston, Hubble has been released. It's safely back on its journey of exploration" –Scott Altman, STS-125 Commander

Space Shuttle Atlantis released the @NASAHubble Space Telescope #OTD in 2009 after the STS-125 crew made the observatory's final repairs and upgrades.

The dress rehearsal for landing the first astronauts on the Moon

#OTD in 1969, Apollo 10 astronauts Tom Stafford, Gene Cernan, and John Young launched to the Moon. The crew rehearsed all aspects of a lunar landing mission, except for the landing.

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