Items tagged with: Environmental
#Environmental #Biology #sflorg
Vanishing Forests and Suffering Children: The Hidden Toll of Deforestation in Cambodia
Researcher reveals the health toll of deforestation in Cambodia as forests vanish and children
There is an open database project called @openfoodfacts
It is the largest #food database in the world!
It can be used for anything from checking #Nutritional scores to #environmental impact of the food packaging.
Unfortunately, there are not many #Indian food products in the database.
You can help expand it.
or download the apps:
Open Food Facts - Food scanner - Apps on Google Play
Scan barcodes and to get health and carbon
#SavingCarbonSinks: Ecuadorian social #movements have bypassed pro-extractivist #politicians with a national #referendum to keep #oil from Block 43 also known as “Yasuní ITT,” a concession in the deepest part of the Amazonian protected Yasuní National #Forest, in the ground. While movements around the world have successfully achieved #mining moratoria, this is an important new strategy for #environmental and #Indigenous #rights activists.
#RightsOfNature #SafeguardTheCommons #YasuniITT
Ecuador Votes to Keep Yasuní Oil in the Ground in Historic Referendum
Ecuadorians have chosen to safeguard the biodiverse Yasuní National Park from oil drilling, marking a major triumph for grassroots Indigenous and environmental activists against the fossil fuel consensus.NACLA
#Dandelion seeds close up a bit in #wet #weather and don't travel as far as in their more open, #dry weather form. New #research (Seale et al. 2022) shows that dandelions hold on to seeds in wet weather and release them more in dry weather.
Do #plants exhibit #behavior? I would argue, yes.
Environmental morphing enables informed dispersal of the dandelion diaspore
The dandelion diaspore changes its shape depending on the moisture levels in the air, and this morphing enhances the dispersal potential of the seeds regardless of the weather conditions.Madeleine Seale (eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd)