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Items tagged with: environmental

#News: To strengthen #indigenous and #environmental rights, the ASEAN @theaseandaily working group should engage genuinely with indigenous peoples in #Asia and #Melanesia says @humanrightswatch report #Boycottpalmoil #BoycottGold #humanrights #westpapua

#Deforestation is suspected to have adverse impacts on child #health. Investigating this phenomenon in #Cambodia, a recent study sheds light on the devastating impact of #prenatal exposure to deforestation on child health in Cambodia.
#Environmental #Biology #sflorg

There is an open database project called @openfoodfacts

It is the largest #food database in the world!

It can be used for anything from checking #Nutritional scores to #environmental impact of the food packaging.

Unfortunately, there are not many #Indian food products in the database.

You can help expand it.

or download the apps:

#SavingCarbonSinks: Ecuadorian social #movements have bypassed pro-extractivist #politicians with a national #referendum to keep #oil from Block 43 also known as “Yasuní ITT,” a concession in the deepest part of the Amazonian protected Yasuní National #Forest, in the ground. While movements around the world have successfully achieved #mining moratoria, this is an important new strategy for #environmental and #Indigenous #rights activists.

#RightsOfNature #SafeguardTheCommons #YasuniITT

#Sensors in #Science + #Tinkering 4 #Teachers. My new portable, bluetoothed, gas sensor modules, bringing biology, climate change & Air Quality into under served #school systems. My recent work has been developing #experientiallearning for #environmental #Education in #macedonia supported by UNICEF. Can be popped in a plastic bag & used to track rates of #photosynthesis outside in-situ. With a change of sensors we have used these to monitor airborne particle loads, and noxious gases.

Some plants can monitor #environmental #conditions around them and release #seeds at times #optimal for #dispersal.

#Dandelion seeds close up a bit in #wet #weather and don't travel as far as in their more open, #dry weather form. New #research (Seale et al. 2022) shows that dandelions hold on to seeds in wet weather and release them more in dry weather.

Do #plants exhibit #behavior? I would argue, yes.



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