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Items tagged with: genome

DNA Transposons Favor De Novo Transcript Emergence Through Enrichment of Transcription Factor Binding Motifs #science #evolution #biology #genome #evolgen_paper

Chance Favors the Prepared Genomes: Horizontal Transfer Shapes the Emergence of Antibiotic Resistance Mutations in Core Genes #science #evolution #biology #genome #evolgen_paper

New preprint! Proud to be part of this important study on the #genome of an African #snail vector that transmits #parasites causing #schistosomiasis, one of the most prevalent #NeglectedTropicalDiseases affecting >200 million people. I know, you've seen genome papers before, but wait there's more! We actually sequenced several inbred lines, allowing us to find and characterize highly variable genes of possible immune relevance.

October's cover image accompanies the article Population Genomics of Two Closely Related Anhydrobiotic Midges Reveals Differences in Adaptation to Extreme Desiccation #science #evolution #biology #genome #evolgen_paper

Chromosome-Scale Genome Assembly of the Solitary Parasitoid Wasp Microplitis manilae Ashmead, 1904 (Braconidae: Microgastrinae) #science #evolution #biology #genome #evolgen_paper

Long-Read Sequencing Reveals Rapid Evolution of Immunity- and Cancer-Related Genes in Bats #science #evolution #biology #genome #evolgen_paper

How did #eukaryotes evolve for extreme temps? #protists

#ExtremeEnvironments offer an unprecedented opportunity to understand #microbial #eukaryotic #ecology, #evolution, and #genome #biology: Hannah Rappaport & Angela Oliverio

“several lineages of #amoebae were often recovered from extremely high temperature environments. Studying those lineages may yield great insight into how eukaryotic cells can adapt to life in extremely hot environments.”

Phages... So many #phage and they are all #prophage integrated into a #bacteria #genome

A few million prophages from > million bacterial genomes

Are prophages good or bad for bacteria? The data shows they provide heaps of benefits

The paper is in #biorxiv and the data is on #figshare

🧬 59 #arthropod orders now with at least one #genome assembly, 27 orders with >5 assemblies - A3Cat
Assessing species coverage 🐝🦋🐞🦗🕷️🦀 and assembly quality of rapidly accumulating sequenced #genomes -

Bidirectional Movement of Emerging H5N8 Avian Influenza Viruses Between Europe and Asia via Migratory Birds Since Early 2020 #science #evolution #biology #genome #SciComm #evolgen_paper

Fascinating study on #genome #evolution :

Scaling of Protein Function Across the Tree of Life

"The abundance of functional categories in a given genome scales with genome size, suggesting that universal constraints shape category abundance. Here we look across the tree of life to understand how genome evolution may be related to functional scaling. "

#genomics #microbiology

The Impact of Sample Size and Population History on Observed Mutational Spectra: A Case Study in Human and Chimpanzee Populations #science #evolution #biology #genome #SciComm #evolgen_paper

How #Trypanosomes keep their mitochondrial genome

Mitochondrial #genome maintenance—the #kinetoplast story: Simona Amodeo et al.

The parasite #Trypanosoma brucei lives and replicates in insect vectors like the fly. During the mating process, both its #nucleus and #mitochondrion replicate and exchange their genetic information, while the mitochondrial mechanism is still incompletely understood.

Content warning: Published Science. Symbiosis in beetles

rRNA operon multiplicity as a #bacterial #genome stability insurance policy | Nucleic Acids Research | Oxford Academic

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