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Items tagged with: protists

Maybe some Gonium and Dinobryon, among other algae?

#protists #algae #microscopy

Giant virus encodes key piece of protein-making machinery of cellular life

"Viruses are integral to the functioning of ocean ecosystems, influencing biological productivity, shifting community interactions, and driving evolutionary change,"

#viruses #microbiology #GiantViruses #protists

Advanced genetic techniques and #microscopy offer new insights into anaerobic ciliate and methanogen #symbiosis

Methanogenic #symbionts of anaerobic #ciliates are host and habitat specific #ISEPpapers by @joro

"This study provides a clearer understanding of how anaerobic ciliates have evolved a mix transmission mode to both maintain and replace their symbionts over time"

#microbes #protists #bacteria #archaea #methanogenesis #biology

New #ISEPpapers! Evolutionary origins of the lysosome-related organelle sorting machinery reveal ancient homology in post-endosome trafficking pathways: Kiran More et al.

#protists #microbes #CellBiology #eukaryogenesis #biology #organelles

New #ISEPpapers #preprint! Viral infection to the raphidophycean alga #Heterosigma akashiwo affects both intracellular organic matter composition and dynamics of a coastal prokaryotic community

#protists #algae #viruses #microbes #biology

New #ISEPpapers! Updated classification of the phylum Parabasalia

"Most are harmless or beneficial gut #symbionts of #animals, but some have turned into #parasites in other body compartments, the most notorious example being #Trichomonas vaginalis in humans."

#protists #microbes #symbiosis #evolution #biology

New #ISEPpapers #preprint! Insights from comparative plastid #genomics of colorless facultative pathogens #Prototheca (Chlorophyta): Unveiling membrane transport and organelle division as key functions #protists #algae #parasites #microbes @biorxivpreprint

New #ISEPpapers! Genomic analyses of Symbiomonas scintillans show no evidence for endosymbiotic #bacteria but does reveal the presence of #GiantViruses #protists #symbiosis #viruses #genomics #microbes @PLOS by Anna Cho et al.

New #ISEPpapers #preprint! Comprehensive analysis of the microbial consortium in the culture of flagellate #Monocercomonoides exilis #protists #microbes #mitochondria #bacteria #biorxiv @biorxivpreprint

"Monocercomonoides exilis is the only known amitochondriate eukaryote, making it an excellent model for studying the implications of mitochondrial reduction from a cellular and evolutionary point of view."

Follow the leader: A new study of #flagella in #algae reveals how they coordinate their movements to ensure cells steer efficiently #protists #microbes

The younger flagellum sets the beat for #Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

"To steer, C. reinhardtii adjusts the strength of the strokes made by each flagellum. Despite this asymmetry, the flagella must continue to beat in synchrony to move efficiently."

Happy to share the latest manuscript from our lab, in which we propose that eukaryotes evolved from a genomic chimera of Asgard archaea and giant viruses.

This is a controversial topic, but we believe we have strong evidence to suggest a critical viral role in eukaryogenesis.

#viruses #protists #eukaryotes #evolution #TreeOfLIfe #archaea

#Mutualism on the edge: Understanding the #Paramecium–#Chlorella symbiosis

"Exploring the mechanisms that underpin #symbiosis requires an understanding of how these complex interactions are maintained in diverse model systems. The ciliate #protist, Paramecium bursaria, offers a valuable insight into how emergent endosymbiotic interactions have evolved."

#protists #algae #microbes #ciliates

Nice paper examining virophage-mediated antiviral defense in protists!

Endogenous virophages are active and mitigate giant virus infection in the marine protist Cafeteria burkhardae

#viruses #virology #protists

Tom Cavalier-Smith prize DEADLINE EXTENDED

We are pleased to announce that we are extending the deadline for Tom Cavalier-Smith prize nominations to January 31st, and that in light of the complicating factor of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are extending eligibility to 4 years post-PhD.

The Tom Cavalier-Smith prize recognizes contributions to evolutionary #protistology, or related fields (e.g. #protists #biology, #biodiversity or #ecology), by #EarlyCareerResearchers.

We are looking for a #Postdoc (f/m/x) as of 1 Feb 2024, for a project using #metagenomics to follow microbial colonization and antibiotics gene transmission between prokaryotes and microeukaryotes (#fungi and #protists) on #microplastics >

New #ISEPpapers! Long-read-based genome assembly reveals numerous endogenous viral elements in the green algal bacterivore Cymbomonas tetramitiformis #protists #algae #microbes #genomics #viruses by @DacksLabECB

New #ISEPpapers! Kaonashia insperata gen. et sp. nov., a eukaryotrophic flagellate, represents a novel major lineage of heterotrophic stramenopiles #protists #microbes #NewSpecies

How did #eukaryotes evolve for extreme temps? #protists

#ExtremeEnvironments offer an unprecedented opportunity to understand #microbial #eukaryotic #ecology, #evolution, and #genome #biology: Hannah Rappaport & Angela Oliverio

“several lineages of #amoebae were often recovered from extremely high temperature environments. Studying those lineages may yield great insight into how eukaryotic cells can adapt to life in extremely hot environments.”

Hello everyone!
I’m an associate prof at Virginia Tech studying viral diversity. Lately my group has been focusing on giant viruses, but we are also interested in other protist viruses, and the role of viral endogenization in host genome evolution.
#GiantViruses #ViralDiversity #TreeOfLife #Protists #Microbiology #Bioinformatics #Evolution #Virology #Genomics
Recently we have been examining the strange and complex genes encoded in giant virus genomes!

Important study from Bellas et al showing that protists have a huge diversity of endogenous DNA viruses in their genomes!

Large-scale invasion of unicellular eukaryotic genomes by integrating DNA viruses

And a commentary about these exciting findings from @giant_virus and myself -

Endogenous DNA viruses take center stage in eukaryotic genome evolution

#genomics #protists #viruses

Endless microbes most beautiful and most wonderful

"To reflect the importance of microbes and to create a home for microbiology research using genetics, PLOS Genetics will be launching a new section on Microbial Genetics. "

#microbiology #microbes #bacteria #protists #archaea

Did you ever wonder about the physiological, ecological, and evolutionary consequences of a low energy-yielding metabolism in anaerobic eukaryotes? I attempted to provide an answer in this essay:
#eukaryotes #protists #evolution #anaerobes #mitochondria

From the Sunlit to the Aphotic Zone: Assembly Mechanisms and Co-Occurrence Patterns of Protistan-Bacterial Microbiotas in the Western Pacific Ocean


Giant proteins in a giant cell: Molecular basis of ultrafast Ca2+-dependent cell contraction

"The evidence suggests that the GSBP-spasmin protein complex is the functional unit of the mesh-like contractile fibrillar system, which, coupled with various other subcellular structures, provides the mechanism for repetitive ultrafast cell contraction and extension."


Paper alert 🚨
Polyketide compounds and their analogues cause shellfish poisoning, and dinoflagellates may utilize a combination of Type I multi-domain and single-domain PKS proteins to synthesize them.

'Transcriptomic analysis of polyketide synthesis in dinoflagellate, Prorocentrum lima'

#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes

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