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Items tagged with: ciliates

Advanced genetic techniques and #microscopy offer new insights into anaerobic ciliate and methanogen #symbiosis

Methanogenic #symbionts of anaerobic #ciliates are host and habitat specific #ISEPpapers by @joro

"This study provides a clearer understanding of how anaerobic ciliates have evolved a mix transmission mode to both maintain and replace their symbionts over time"

#microbes #protists #bacteria #archaea #methanogenesis #biology

#Mutualism on the edge: Understanding the #Paramecium–#Chlorella symbiosis

"Exploring the mechanisms that underpin #symbiosis requires an understanding of how these complex interactions are maintained in diverse model systems. The ciliate #protist, Paramecium bursaria, offers a valuable insight into how emergent endosymbiotic interactions have evolved."

#protists #algae #microbes #ciliates

Are you curious about purple photosymbioses? Sebastian Hess and I have written a Quick Guide for Current Biology where we summarize our current knowledge on these very rare symbioses. Free access here:
#photosymbiosis #symbiosis #purplebacteria #ciliates #pseudoblepharisma #anaerobcieuks

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