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Items tagged with: ISEPpapers

Advanced genetic techniques and #microscopy offer new insights into anaerobic ciliate and methanogen #symbiosis

Methanogenic #symbionts of anaerobic #ciliates are host and habitat specific #ISEPpapers by @joro

"This study provides a clearer understanding of how anaerobic ciliates have evolved a mix transmission mode to both maintain and replace their symbionts over time"

#microbes #protists #bacteria #archaea #methanogenesis #biology

New #ISEPpapers! Evolutionary origins of the lysosome-related organelle sorting machinery reveal ancient homology in post-endosome trafficking pathways: Kiran More et al.

#protists #microbes #CellBiology #eukaryogenesis #biology #organelles

New #ISEPpapers #preprint! Viral infection to the raphidophycean alga #Heterosigma akashiwo affects both intracellular organic matter composition and dynamics of a coastal prokaryotic community

#protists #algae #viruses #microbes #biology

New #ISEPpapers! Updated classification of the phylum Parabasalia

"Most are harmless or beneficial gut #symbionts of #animals, but some have turned into #parasites in other body compartments, the most notorious example being #Trichomonas vaginalis in humans."

#protists #microbes #symbiosis #evolution #biology

New #ISEPpapers #preprint! Insights from comparative plastid #genomics of colorless facultative pathogens #Prototheca (Chlorophyta): Unveiling membrane transport and organelle division as key functions #protists #algae #parasites #microbes @biorxivpreprint

New #ISEPpapers! Genomic analyses of Symbiomonas scintillans show no evidence for endosymbiotic #bacteria but does reveal the presence of #GiantViruses #protists #symbiosis #viruses #genomics #microbes @PLOS by Anna Cho et al.

New #ISEPpapers #preprint! Comprehensive analysis of the microbial consortium in the culture of flagellate #Monocercomonoides exilis #protists #microbes #mitochondria #bacteria #biorxiv @biorxivpreprint

"Monocercomonoides exilis is the only known amitochondriate eukaryote, making it an excellent model for studying the implications of mitochondrial reduction from a cellular and evolutionary point of view."

New #ISEPpapers! Long-read-based genome assembly reveals numerous endogenous viral elements in the green algal bacterivore Cymbomonas tetramitiformis #protists #algae #microbes #genomics #viruses by @DacksLabECB

New #ISEPpapers! Kaonashia insperata gen. et sp. nov., a eukaryotrophic flagellate, represents a novel major lineage of heterotrophic stramenopiles #protists #microbes #NewSpecies

New #ISEPpapers #preprint! Encyclopaedia of #DNApolymerases localized in #organelles: Evolutionary contribution of diverse #bacteria including the proto-#mitochondrion #eukaryogenesis #evolution #microbes

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