Items tagged with: CellBiology
New #ISEPpapers! Evolutionary origins of the lysosome-related organelle sorting machinery reveal ancient homology in post-endosome trafficking pathways: Kiran More et al.
#protists #microbes #CellBiology #eukaryogenesis #biology #organelles
Elizabeth Villa's lab delivers big time again with in-cell cryo-electron tomography of the nuclear pore complex:
"The molecular architecture of the nuclear basket" by Singh et al. 2024.
Happy Monday again, #ScienceMastodon! The first Research Highlight from JCS Issue 16 features a paper from Toshiyuki Oda and colleagues at the Universities of Yamanashi and Tokyo, using the unicellular algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to break down roles of tubulin modifications in ciliary/flagellar motility. #CellBiology #microtubules #flagellates
Roles of ciliary tubulin PTMs in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Roles of ciliary tubulin PTMs in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
The cytoskeletal core of cilia and flagella, called the axoneme, is composed of microtubules (MTs), the dynamics of which can be dramatically influenced by post-translational modifications (PTMs) to tubulin C-terminal tails.The Company of Biologists
@jobsecoevo #ScienceJobs #PostdocJob #EcoEvo #CellBiology #Genetics #Symbiosis #Bacteria #Insects #Wolbachia #Drosophila
Postdoctoral Scholar of Host-Microbe Interactions
The Shropshire Lab (Lehigh University, Pennsylvania) is seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral researcher to study host-microbe interactions. (My WordPress)