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Items tagged with: CellBiology

Happy Monday again, #ScienceMastodon! The first Research Highlight from JCS Issue 16 features a paper from Toshiyuki Oda and colleagues at the Universities of Yamanashi and Tokyo, using the unicellular algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to break down roles of tubulin modifications in ciliary/flagellar motility. #CellBiology #microtubules #flagellates

Roles of ciliary tubulin PTMs in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

We're hiring a postdoc to study host-microbe interactions! Our integrative research program studies how the world's most common bacterial endosymbiont has become so successful. Much of it is to do with the bacteria's ability to make its host's sex lives all about them. If you think this sounds interesting, consider applying! Details are here:
@jobsecoevo #ScienceJobs #PostdocJob #EcoEvo #CellBiology #Genetics #Symbiosis #Bacteria #Insects #Wolbachia #Drosophila

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