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Items tagged with: climateemergency

1000’s #Asian #animals face #extinction from deforestation for #palmoil #meat, timber, soy. #RSPO certification makes no difference! #ClimateEmergency #FightGreenwashing with ur wallet #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect

How did we get to this point in #history with #ecocide everywhere? It's #corporate #greed and #greenwashing. #Resist! Fight back with your wallet! #Boycott4Wildlife #Boycottpalmoil #ClimateEmergency #Together4Forests!

Well he can’t possibly be biased by the billions they make can he. Darned if I’m willing to go quietly with the rest of life on earth so they can hoard wealth😠 #ClimateEmergency #ClimateActionNow

It seems to be more and more a #Greenwashing annual fair for rich kids toys, too, regarding there had been a panel named "responsible yachting"🤡

No, the #cop28 is obviously not the place, where the real problems of the ones with less money and most affected from #ClimateEmergency are taken serious.


Twelve of the world’s wealthiest billionaires produce more greenhouse gas emissions from their yachts, private jets, mansions and financial investments than the annual energy emissions of 2m homes, research shared exclusively with the Guardian reveals.

#climateChange #climateCatastrophy #climateEmergency #climateBreakdown #tippingPoint

It's awful. But the right still claim the #ClimateEmergency is a hoax. Disgusting people.

I wish I didn't have to tell you about this again, but I do. It's not being reported much in the news — and you know why?

Because it's not 'new' (the origin of the word 'news'), it's old. This has been going on for months now, and corporate news outlets are simply tired of reporting it. But it is still happening.

Canada's boreal forests are burning up.

At least 1100 fires are active, more than 700 out of control. Over 13 million hectares have been burned so far, with no end in sight. It's an unprecedented climate and environmental disaster.

#Canada #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency


Does someone wanna work on data plumbing for a good cause?
Direct #climateaction in a #climateemergency
#co2monitoring in #HPC #highperformancecomputing will allow running big science with a lower #co2footprint . Getting insight is a first step and one within your programming experience (am in an exam phase, i can't give it the attention it deserves, also if you see this you rock too).
Please be friendly and constructive. I don't wanna hug this to death

Perhaps more importantly than parking spaces is the climate emergency we're now just at the beginning of. Parking spaces are the least of our worries.

Sadly it would seem though that the American mind and culture isn't yet grasping that full size vehicles as we've come to know them are not a part of a survivable future. Even electric cars. We have to end them in favor of much smaller vehicles: micromobility, cycling, public transit.

#ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice

Speaking of listening to scientists about the #ClimateEmergency, yesterday @ScientistRebellion and others had a global day of action targeting private jet travel (including myself!)

Climate change, according to my classes, instigates extreme weather swings, such as freezing winters and scalding summers.

Climate change is real, and "winter is still cold" is NOT AN EXCUSE FOR *YOUR* GODDAMN IGNORANCE



#climatechange #climateemergency #climate #change #greenhouse #ozonelayer #climatecrisis

This is a great eco anthology offering real climate solutions and some excellent stories, incl.
Paolo Bacigalupi
& Kim Stanley Robinson among others.

'A better world is possible – and literature like this can help make it happen.' Caroline Lucas MP.

24 stories with positive visions of what a sustainable society might look like

#ecostories #ClimateFiction #ClimateAction #actoneclimate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateSolutions #ecofiction #clifi #COP27 #ClimateEmergency

"Canada’s national retirement fund, the Canada Pension Plan, continues to invest billions in the oil, gas, coal and pipeline companies fueling the climate crisis."

"The #CPP is one of the largest pension funds in the world, managing $523 billion in Canadians’ retirement savings."

Tell the CPP to protect your pension and the planet.

#BankingOnClimateChaos #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency

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