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Items tagged with: anarchism

Issue 35.1 of The Student Insurgent is finally here!
Thank you to everyone who contributed!

We've got many amazing pieces on topics such as Ukraine, Palestine, Local Labor Victories, Lesbian Vampires and Baklava.

Grab a copy at any of our locations ( or read it on our website! We hope you enjoy!

(Cover art by achilles)

#Eugene #UofO #Oregon #Anarchism #Communism #Socialism #Magazine

Autonomies: **Anarchist voices on Palestine-Israel: Emma Goldman**

"To the Editor,“Spain and the World”. Dear Comrade, I was interested in the article, ‘Palestine and Socialist Policy’, by our good friend Reginald Reynolds in ‘Spain and the World’ of July 29th. There is much in it with which I …"

#anarchism #bot

Beau of the Fifth Column (Justin Eric King) finally comes clean about his past

There is no reason to share videos of and support a slaver who hasn't even acknowledged his history never mind seeking restorative justice for his victims.

#slavery #youtube #anarchism #socialism

🏴 "Are You An #Anarchist? The Answer May Surprise You!" If you believe in self-organization and voluntary association, and if you think that #power corrupts, you might be an anarchist. 🤝 And these are principles "that the rich and powerful have always found extremely dangerous", as #DavidGraeber stated in 2009. Read his full text, in most important ways you are probably already an anarchist... 👉 (Or listen to the audio: #anarchism #anarchy

Hello, everyone! As many folks from Tumblr are moving here, I figured I might as well. For the many who don't know me here, here's an introduction post.

For those wondering about the second part of the username, agorism is a left-wing, anticapitalist form of market anarchism similar in style to mutualism that focuses more heavily on using the counter-economy (any voluntary activity the state does not approve of) to demolish the state. Both black/gray markets and mutual aid are part of this.

So while you'll find the regular solarpunk stuff from my blog, you'll also occasionally see me suggesting things like a fully decentralized hydro-powered mutual crypto-credit system.

Though I'm well aware my views are odd compared to the average solarpunk, I'm happy to vibe with a crew of a similar mind! Thanks for having me!

As we agorists say:
Agora! Anarchy! Action!


#introduction #solarpunk #agorism #anarchism #anticapitalist #marketanarchism

Collection of resources to get informed on the situation in Ukraine and mobilize support from your local anarchist and antifascist community. #Ukraine #Russian #Anarchism #Antifascism

They won't save you.

Kyrsten Sinema (democrat) voted against the $15 minimum wage bill passing through congress and did so with a “quirky” plaid up thumbs down. She uses progressivism as an aesthetic but is establishment to the core. She got notoriety and adoration when she was sworn into office by Pence using a law book instead of a bible.

#anarchism #anarchy #art #glitch #retrowave
#AnarchoWave #usa #democrat #15

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