Items tagged with: Arduino
currently trying #raspbian with some Scratch, Python & #arduino projects on the horizon on my free time, with the objective to introduce all of it to my kids.
Still really satisfied with #linuxmint on my old laptop, I use mainly #libreoffice for my uni homeworks.
Maybe I’ll come back to #manjaro on my newest one with double booting cause it’s fun messing around. Also interested in #steamos. It’s going to be a busy year!
Audio Spectrum Analyzer in a Guitar Pedal - Arduino Audio Meter by ElectroSmash
Arduino Audio Meter is a new pedal from ElectroSmash. It's basically a 16x16 LED matrix in a guitar pedal form factor with an Arduino Uno inside, which means you can code your own effects.
Arduino Audio Meter on the ElectroSmash Forum:
ElectroSmash - Arduino Audio Meter - Electro Smash
This forum contains all the software and hardware topics related to the Arduino Audio
#electronics #microcontrollers #DIYelectronics #teaching #ComputerTech
I’m also somewhat known porting a C. elegans nervous system model (connectome) to the Arduino Uno, so it could be used in very low cost or resource constrained platforms.
Yes, this is a robot that thinks it’s a worm, lol
Hackaday article:
#introductions #stem #eduction #robotics #arduino #maker #biology #science
Nematoduino: A Roundworm Neural Model On An Arduino
When it comes to building a neural network to simulate complex behavior, Arduino isn’t exactly the first platform that springs to mind. But when your goal is to model the behavior of an organ…Hackaday
This is the Chernobyl Dice: a Cold War era themed quantum RNG. It uses the clicks of a Geiger counter nestled next to an array of uranium glass marbles to generate random bits displayed on Nixie tubes.
This is a *disgustingly fair* dice and I’ve run the tests to prove it, lol
Hackaday article:
#intrductions #arduino #maker #stem #ttrpg #nuclear #physics
Roll The Bones Chernobyl Style
We’re suckers for the Fallout aesthetic, so anything with a post-apocalyptic vibe is sure to get our attention. With a mid-century look, Nixie tubes, a brushed metal faceplate, and just a tou…Hackaday
Oskitone Scout Synth Odyssey
Scout by Oskitone:
big thanks to Merriam-Webster:
Texas Equal Access Fund:
The Lilith Fund:
Bans Off Our Bodies:
Frontera Fund:
West Fund:
Clinic Access Support Network:
The Bridge Collective:
The Afiya Center:
GitHub - oskitone/scout: 3D-printed, Arduino-compatible, 17-key mono synth. Squeeeee!
3D-printed, Arduino-compatible, 17-key mono synth. Squeeeee! - GitHub - oskitone/scout: 3D-printed, Arduino-compatible, 17-key mono synth. Squeeeee!GitHub