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Items tagged with: Chromium

No better time to be supportive to the users of unfortunate #Chromium browsers by directing to something not as contrived. For example, instead of drowning #ManifestV3 altogether we could look at the implementations like Firefox that retain compatibility with #ManifestV2 and don't ruin the effective use of ad blocking features. Way to keep extension development modern, all the while disregarding #Google's terrible mistake.

PSA to everyone to not use brave browser, the CEO of Brave Software is bigoted (donated to anti-lgbtqia+ organizations trying to ban gay marriage in the past and still has never addressed it or apologized) and was also against the Covid Lockdowns and is anti-vax. Using brave browser contributes to oppression of LGBTQIA+ ppl and contributes to brave software financially through ads and other means.

I recommend anyone still using brave browser to switch to ungoogled-chromium as a non-bigoted degoogled chromium-based browser alternative. is a good browser extension to use on ungoogled-chromium to sync your bookmarks.

Source for claims: (contains links to claims within the post, multiple citations for everything here stated.) #lgbtq #lgbt #lgbtqia #bravebrowser #chromium #ungoogled-chromium #browser #browsers #queer #lesbian #gay #trans #intersex #ace #asexual #aro #aromantic #foss #opensource #freesoftware #software #queeradvocacy #queerrights

For me it is not easy to judge. I am very happy that #firefox is there with up to date usability and that #mozilla exists.
In a world where #opensource alternatives like #chromium are offering very user-friendly alternatives and the market share of Firefox is decreasing, something has to change. So Laura Chambers is organising important change. Change comes with the risk of failure but with no change Mozilla could die.
And remember. The biggest enemy of the good is the better.

These Browsers Support Adblock After Manifest V3? #Linux #Firefox #Chromium #OperaGX

Last one was missing the link

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