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Items tagged with: climatecrisis

🟠Solidarity demo for Just Stop Oil and open letter

Today in Helsinki by the 🇬🇧embassy!

🟠Read and sign our open letter - we demand release of JSO prisoners (who got 3yrs and 2yrs 7mths in prison) and express the concern for the new police laws in the UK which severely damage civil liberties.

🟠Please support the peaceful climate protestors, and uphold the right to protest.

#ClimateCrisis #JustStopOil #ukpolitics #democracy #justice #climate

The #StopElsevier campaign is gearing up for protests in several countries this Spring. Help spread the word by posting these posters around campus, email us to participate in #DirectAction or join the boycott to protest #Elsevier's ties to the #FossilFuel industry.

Demand #FossilFree research!

@ScientistRebellion #EndFossilOccupy #FossilFreeResearch #ClimateCrisis #OpenScience #EthicalPublishing

Pacific trade deal ‘will make mockery of UK’s climate ambitions’

Palm oil produced in Malaysia is of particular concern as tariffs on the product, currently at 12%, will be eliminated.

#Climate #ClimateCrisis #Deforestation #PalmOil

We're super excited for the #ClimateOfChange #Mastodon PREMIERE, Tues Feb 28 at 7pm, featuring #yyc author of #ThePatch, #ClimateOptimist and more #ChrisTurner!

Fave this post or better yet BOOST it and we'll update it during show time so YOU GET THE NOTIFICATION.

We'll also be keeping an eye on comments/questions of this post to ask Turner on the show! See you tomorrow night!

#abpoli #ableg #yeg #Alberta #abpoli #EnergyTransition #Climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange

I am always citing Foote's work when talking about (history of) climate change (research) #climatecrisis

Climate change, according to my classes, instigates extreme weather swings, such as freezing winters and scalding summers.

Climate change is real, and "winter is still cold" is NOT AN EXCUSE FOR *YOUR* GODDAMN IGNORANCE



#climatechange #climateemergency #climate #change #greenhouse #ozonelayer #climatecrisis

I hear you, but that’s a bit like taking comfort — while driving a school bus full of children into a wreck that will kill everyone on board — in knowing that many of these kids have siblings, so their families will go on. It is not okay. Sorry. #climatecrisis

Very true in England. Poor education standards are a tool of the right so that they can govern by slogan. "Get Brexit Done". The response to #Covid has been dominated by a non-scientific approach, which is so tragic when we have outstanding Public Health professionals. Also the lack of a response to the #ClimateCrisis.

This is a great eco anthology offering real climate solutions and some excellent stories, incl.
Paolo Bacigalupi
& Kim Stanley Robinson among others.

'A better world is possible – and literature like this can help make it happen.' Caroline Lucas MP.

24 stories with positive visions of what a sustainable society might look like

#ecostories #ClimateFiction #ClimateAction #actoneclimate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateSolutions #ecofiction #clifi #COP27 #ClimateEmergency

"Canada’s national retirement fund, the Canada Pension Plan, continues to invest billions in the oil, gas, coal and pipeline companies fueling the climate crisis."

"The #CPP is one of the largest pension funds in the world, managing $523 billion in Canadians’ retirement savings."

Tell the CPP to protect your pension and the planet.

#BankingOnClimateChaos #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency

Since nearly half of all carbon emissions in video conferencing happen on the network, self-hosting a video conferencing server like BBB as close to the users as possible can have a significant reduction in emissions.

#computingWithinLimits #selfHosting #videoConferencing #climateCrisis

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