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Items tagged with: nextcloud

Nice case study of Kyushu Institute of Technology's, in partnership with other Japanese research institutions, use of #NextCloud for their data analytics and management.


#opensource #highered #estech

Nextcloud Hub 7 mit vereinheitlichter Suche bereitgestellt #Nextcloud

Sure looks promising. As a long time #Nextcloud user I'm so exited to be able to try all those new and improved features. Good work!

#Nextcloud 28 is out!

Release notes should arrive anytime soon I guess.

#NextCloud 28 ? Yes, @nextcloud (server) 28 ! 🤓

great presentation. Lot's of exciting features


J'avais complètement oublié que j'avais ouvert hier (et laissé ouvert) le stream de présentation #NextCloud Hub 7. J'ai été un peu surpris quand la vidéo a commencé il y a quelques minutes. 😆

Empower your school, university or research institution with data sovereignty! 🎓

Learn the power of local data management and how students and faculty can benefit with Nextcloud in our blog.

#Education #Nextcloud

Finally the weekend is here and I found a good start by resolving 11 issues at GitHub related to translation of #nextcloud . #translation Do you like to join us translators? Please see and we will welcome you.

🎙️ Dive into the latest Nextcloud Podcast with @maxschrems!

💾 Uncover the 15-year EU-US data transfer debate
🕵️ Explore privacy and surveillance law
🤺 Navigate anti-competitive behaviors in Big Tech
🦾 Discuss the necessity of regulation amid challenges

Enjoy the insights! 🎧

@noybeu #Nextcloud 🚀

There is an open #GitHub issue for the #Nextcloud #Android app, which renders the app useless for anyone affected.

Issue opened on Sep 17, Now 2 1/2 months and 114 comments later this Issue is still open, and no sign that it will be fixed anytime soon.

I was just laying in bed and thought I could do some research on how to run #Nextcloud on Docker before going to sleep.
Roughly 30 minutes later I have an all-in-one Nextcloud up and running, integrated to my Nginx reverse proxy and reachable through my subdomain with SSL certificate and everything! What?
Now I just have to migrate my #NextCloudPi users/data to this, but the docu is incredible:

Thank you so much, @nextcloud!!

Is AI replacing us or joining the workforce?

Gen Z thinks AI needs ethical fine-tuning. Find out how Nextcloud's ethical AI helps to balance data privacy and progress concerns of the young work generation!

#FutureOfWork #Nextcloud #EthicalAI

4,400 employees and volunteers at the Archdiocese of Cologne use #Nextcloud Hub as a safe home for their data.

Explore our recent case study in our blog!

🇩🇪 Germany's Microsoft bill: €209M in 2022, up from €43.5M in 2015! 📈

Despite public goals around #opensource, vendor lock-in increased, raising cost & losing #digitalSovereignty.

Time to embrace #Nextcloud and regain control:

Cybersecurity Month alert! 👾

Get to know Nextcloud, your digital defense. With end-to-end encryption and solid access control, it's time to secure your data.
#CybersecurityMonth #DataProtection #Nextcloud

Great feature #nextcloud, I used this functionality already with a workaround by using a library inside my Nextcloud folder structure.

Would be great to have a possibility to use a dedicated folder inside my Nextcloud, which may be a groupfolder or even change the dependency so that obsidian notes can be distributed to the specific locations by defining topics (specific clients/projects) and rout the .md files to these folders.

Notice that #Obsidian is a proprietary app, there are other #FOSS apps that use #Markdown files and that can easily sync via #Nextcloud like #Logseq.

And @qownnotes in particular has integration with Nextcloud specifically.

thanks for the tip, will try obsidian. Already have nextcloud in my home.
I also use simplemind for mindmapping
integration into #nextcloud works beautifully

Question: I really liked to use the NextBookmarks App on iOS together with #Nextcloud. But now the App is unmaintained 🥲 Can you use your reach to search for a new one PLS?

Celebrating Nextcloud's integral role in safeguarding data sovereignty! 🌐

We're honored to be the chosen solution for renowned organizations like Amnesty International and the European Commission. They trust us to uphold #datasoverignty in their mission-critical endeavors.

Discover how we support their work by watching the video!
#DigitalSovereignty #Nextcloud #DataSecurity #BusinessSolutions

Today is the 1st day of the it-sa conference in Nuremberg, Germany!

Come meet the #Nextcloud team in hall 7A, booth 524.

We look forward to seeing you there!

#itsaexpo #itsa2023

Nextcloud has played a pivotal role in Geneva's journey toward digital sovereignty, benefiting thousands of active users.

Prioritizing security as a cornerstone, Nextcloud has not only provided remarkable stability but also garnered excellent reviews in security audits.

Discover the City of Geneva's experience and Nextcloud's important role in government organizations.
#DigitalSovereignty #Nextcloud #GovernmentTech #dataprivacy

Always great to see #selfhosted FOSS stuff. I've been meaning to dive into using Monica and syncing the contacts across to/from my #Nextcloud instance using vdirsyncer. Maybe I'll finally pull the trigger this weekend

Join us this October at events around the world!

🇦🇪 GITEX Global - UAE
🇩🇪 It-sa - Germany
🇸🇬 CloudExpo Asia - Singapore
🇱🇻 Riga Comm - Latvia
🇮🇹 Open Source Week - Italy
🇩🇪 KOMMUNALE - Germany

Register to meet the #Nextcloud team

Thank you to everyone who is using #Nextcloud to regain control over their data, and trust us as your digital workspace and collaboration platform!

We hope you'll enjoy all the new things in our latest Nextcloud Hub 6 release! 🎉

🚀 Just wrapped up the incredible @nextcloud Conference 2023, and buzzing with inspiration! Join the community in celebrating a future where trust, transparency, and togetherness pave the way for innovation! 🌐 #Nextcloud #NextcloudHub #NextcloudConf2023

Nextcloud Hub 6 has just made a significant splash in the media spotlight!

Explore the future of productivity, innovation, and smart collaboration with Nextcloud Hub 6!

💡 Read all about Nextcloud Hub 6's unveiling, featuring cutting-edge AI features and enhanced collaboration capabilities, in this insightful article by AI Summary.

#Nextcloud #NextcloudHub #Collaboration #FirstLocalAIAssistant

Today, the German state Schleswig Holstein decided to collaborate with Nextcloud to bring the first Open Source AI workspace to the government.

Read more about it in our latest announcement 🔽

#opensource #nextcloud

Whether you’re an amateur, experienced or expert developer, our tutorials will prepare you for developing apps for #Nextcloud to bring your ideas to life.

Open source 💙
Big audience 🌍
Strong community 👩‍💻

#developertutorials #devsFTW #PHP #javascript

Love to deploy your #Nextcloud with @linuxserver ? With 313M downloads, we don't blame you!

Their container just saw an update to the latest Nextcloud so get it while it's still hot!

@penpot is a crucial component of Nextcloud's Design System, providing a comprehensive design toolkit, complete with templates and more.

This not only enhances our collaboration but also keeps our contributors inspired and engaged! 🎨🛠️

Discover how it all comes together in this enlightening conversation with Nimisha:

#Nextcloud #NextcloudHub #Collaboration #Design

Looking forward to seeing the #Nextcloud conference videos, and thus the launch video, released at the same time on #Peertube at !

Given it costs you nothing and you're all about #FOSS #privacy focused #decentralization, you *will* be putting the videos up on Peertube, right?


perhaps there is also someone who wants to maintain or fork the #nextcloud bookmarks app for iOS ( It seems to be unmaintained for 2 yrs and it doesn't work anymore.

Whether you’re an amateur, experienced or expert developer, our tutorials will prepare you for developing apps for #Nextcloud to bring your ideas to life.

Open source 💙
Big Audience 🌍
Strong community 👩‍💻

#developertutorials #devsFTW #PHP #javascript

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