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Items tagged with: DEFORESTATION

#Siamangs are known for their booming calls and close knit families. They are endangered from complex threats including #palmoil #deforestation. You can save them every time you shop #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

Deep in the #Congo is a curious creature a bit like a horse or a giraffe. The #Okapi is to the Congo what the Panda is to China. #Palmoil and #mining #deforestation threaten their survival #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect

Quince Monitor Lizards with their bright yellow colouring and muscular bodies are akin to dinosaurs. They are #endangered by #palmoil #deforestation in #Indonesia. Help save them and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife via

#News: A long list of Tory failures on environmental policies that never became reality include banning #palmoil #soy and #meat that come from #deforestation #Boycottpalmoil #VoteForClimate

🐵 #Gibbons are musical maestros. Their songs aren’t only charming but can unlock the secrets of human language. Let’s protect them and their symphony as many are threatened by #palmoil #deforestation 🌳✨ #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect

#Poaching for #ivory is the main threat to #African #Forest #Elephants although #deforestation the tropical forests of #Congo #Guinea #WestAfrica for #palmoil #timber is a real threat. Help these beautiful creatures #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect

🌿 Little known fact: Mugger #crocodiles of #India enjoy playing with #flowers and letting smaller crocs ride on their backs. They are losing their homes to #palmoil and other #deforestation #Boycottpalmoil #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

Amazon River Dolphin Inia geoffrensis — Palm Oil Detectives | Barbara Crane Navarro

The Amazon River dolphins, also known as the Boto Dolphins or Amazon Pink River Dolphins are playful, curious and intelligent mammals, the largest river dolphin species in the world. Known for their stunning pink coloured skin they are endangered due to human-related threats like #palmoil, #meat and #soy #deforestation, #gold #mining and #pollution. Help them survive each time you shop…

Indonesian palm oil, Brazilian beef top contributors to U.S. deforestation exposure

In Brazil, 76% of deforestation in three Amazonian states occurred in a planned agricultural development zone

#Indonesia #Brazil #environment #forest #deforestation #PalmOil #AnimalRights #agriculture #AnimalAgriculture #meat #beef

Latest palm oil deforester in Indonesia may also be operating illegally #Indonesia #environment #forest #deforestation #PalmOil

Caquetá Titi Monkeys are monogamous and make a distinctive purrs like kittens. Discovered only in 2010 they’re now critically endangered from massive #deforestation in #Colombia for #palmoil and #timber #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife via

African Palm Civet Nandinia binotata — Palm Oil Detectives | Barbara Crane Navarro

African Palm Civets are vital seed dispersers in African forests they are persecuted for #bushmeat. They are also threatened by mining and #palmoil #deforestation in #Gabon #Liberia. Large tracts of rainforest where African palm civets live are threatened by commercial logging and large-scale oil palm plantations owned by foreign multinational companies. Say no to palm oil every time…

Time is running out for the tall and handsome, Marsh #deer, the biggest deer in #SouthAmerica. They are #vulnerable from #palmoil #soy #meat #deforestation and #hunting. Help them and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetectives

Eastern Gorillas are powerful yet gentle. They are critically endangered in #Uganda #Congo #Rwanda due to complex threats incl. #poaching #palmoil #deforestation. You can protect them when you #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect

Caquetá Titi Monkeys are monogamous and make a distinctive purrs like kittens. Discovered only in 2010 they’re now critically endangered from massive #deforestation in #Colombia for #palmoil and #timber #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect

Spectacled Flying Foxes are a species of megabat #endangered in #PapuaNewGuinea and #FarNorthQueensland Australia. The Australian #bushfires decimated their numbers. They face serious threats from #palmoil #deforestation in PNG. You can #Boycott4Wildlife

#PapuaNewGuinea and #WestPapua harbour unusual and beautiful #animals. All forest-dwellers are endangered by #palmoil #deforestation #RSPO is #greenwashing #ecocide #FightGreenwashing with your wallet #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect

Cryptic and solitary marsupials, Waigeo #cuscus cling to tree canopies on Waigeo Island, #WestPapua, they are vulnerable from #palmoil #deforestation. Help them and go #vegan and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect

The Spectral Tarsier is a wide-eyed cutie that clings to trees in the forest canopy, it is vulnerable in #Sulawesi #Indonesia. Threats incl. #palmoil #deforestation Make art for this #forgottenanimal join the #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect

#Binturongs AKA Bearcats are not actually related to cats or bears. They smell of buttered popcorn and #vulnerable due to #palmoil #deforestation throughout SE #Asia. Help them survive, #Boycott4Wildlife on brands causing #deforestation via @palmoildetect

#News: #Palmoil plantations are rapidly gaining ground in #SouthAmerica, driving communities from their lands and causing #deforestation, #humanrights abuses, #violence, and #poverty via @GRAIN #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

#Indonesia wants to reduce reliance on #fossilfuels, with 30% of the country to use #palmoil #biodiesel by 2030. But the plan has caused alarm among environmental groups as palm oil is the main #deforestation driver #Boycottpalmoil @france24asiapasific

#News: Recent #research finds #animals in #Uganda's forests are consuming virus-infected bat faeces, as alternative food sources dwindle due to agricultural practices and #palmoil #meat #tobacco #deforestation #Boycottpalmoil

#News: Report reveals the #USA imported #palmoil, #cocoa #soy #meat #deforestation the size of Los Angeles between Oct 2021 and Nov 2023.
Palm oil from Indonesia was the largest contributor to deforestation, meat from Brazil #Boycottpalmoil and be #vegan @mongabay

#PapuaNewGuinea and #WestPapua harbour unusual and beautiful #animals. All forest-dwellers are endangered by #palmoil #deforestation #RSPO is #greenwashing #ecocide #FightGreenwashing with your wallet #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect

The Blue-backed Parrot of The #Philippines is #endangered due to massive #deforestation for #palmoil and #meat #agriculture. Support their survival in the supermarket, go plant-based and #Boycott4Wildlife via

Alta Floresta titi monkeys are bright coloured #monkeys of #Brazil fighting for survival against widespread #palmoil #soy #meat #deforestation Help them to survive and use your wallet as a weapon, be #vegan #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect

@voxofgod I'm not sure what you're proposing here, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. To be clear #deforestation regardless of it's by locals or by companies is still disastrous for the climate, biodiversity loss, human health risks and the risk of spread for zoonotic diseases as animals are put closer to humans where diseases can more easily spread. Read more about it here:

#News: Huge #deforestation and #biodiversity loss in #Cameroon spurs local community orgs to write an #openletter to the EU to call for immediate action to implement tougher policies on corporates for #landrights and #ecocide protection #EUDR #CSDD #Boycottpalmoil #Afrik21 @EU_Commission

Goliath Frogs are #endangered in #Gabon #Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea by #palmoil #deforestation and #hunting. Help them every time you shop and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife via

🎶 #Gibbons are musical maestros and their song is not only charming but may unlock the secrets of human language acquisition. Let’s protect them and their symphony, many are threatened by #palmoil #deforestation 🌳✨ #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect

DYK Black #leopards differ from other leopards by their coat colour, a genetic variation known as #melanism. A major threat is #palmoil #deforestation. Help their survival and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife in the supermarket. via @palmoildetect

Spectacled Flying Foxes are a species of megabat #endangered in #PapuaNewGuinea and #Australia. The Australian #bushfires decimated their numbers. They face serious threats from #palmoil #deforestation in PNG. #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

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