Items tagged with: Déforestation
Latest palm oil deforester in Indonesia may also be operating illegally
JAKARTA — The largest case of deforestation for industrial palm oil in Indonesia is happening within a concession on a tiny island off the coast of southern Borneo, according to satellite analysis by technology consultancy TheTreeMap.hayat (Conservation news)
African Palm Civet Nandinia binotata — Palm Oil Detectives | Barbara Crane Navarro
African Palm Civets are vital seed dispersers in African forests they are persecuted for #bushmeat. They are also threatened by mining and #palmoil #deforestation in #Gabon #Liberia. Large tracts of rainforest where African palm civets live are threatened by commercial logging and large-scale oil palm plantations owned by foreign multinational companies. Say no to palm oil every time…
African Palm Civet Nandinia binotata — Palm Oil Detectives | Barbara Crane Navarro
African Palm Civets are vital seed dispersers in African forests they are persecuted for #bushmeat. They are also threatened by mining and #palmoil #deforestation in #Gabon #Liberia. Large tracts o…Ned Hamson's Second Line View of the News
Marsh Deer Blastocerus dichotomus
The Marsh deer are South America’s largest deer species, uniquely adapted to wetland life with their web-like hooves and preference for aquatic plants. They are prey animals for jaguars and p…Palm Oil Detectives
Alta Floresta titi monkey Plecturocebus grovesi
The enchanting Groves Titi Monkey, also referred to as the Alta Floresta titi monkey or Mato Grosso titi monkey made a remarkable entry into the spotlight only recently in 2016 when they were class…Palm Oil Detectives
Despite gains in Brazil, forest destruction still 'stubbornly' high: Report
The world lost 10 football fields of old-growth tropical forest every minute in 2023 and despite uplifting progress in the Amazon, the picture elsewhere is less rosy, researchers said on Thursday.Nick PERRY (
Tropical forest loss puts 2030 zero-deforestation target further out of reach
JAKARTA — The tropics continue to lose primary forest at an alarming rate, with an area of tree cover half the size of Panama disappearing in 2023, new data from the University of Maryland’s GLAD lab show. Primary forest loss last year amounted to 3.hayat (Conservation news)
Colombian Amazon deforestation surges as armed groups tighten grip
Country had previously turned the tide on deforestation but armed rebels have revoked banLuke Taylor (The Guardian)
Deforestation harms biodiversity of the Amazon's perfume-loving orchid bees
A survey of orchid bees in the Brazilian Amazon, carried out in the 1990s, is shedding new light the impact of deforestation on the scent-collecting pollinators, which some view as bellwethers of biodiversity in the neotropics.ScienceDaily
#Road building almost always precedes #forest loss, and road density is by far the strongest correlate of #deforestation out of 38 #biophysical and #socioeconomic factors.
Findings of the study imply that the most vital #conservation function of protected areas is limiting roads and road-related environmental disruption. They suggest that burgeoning, poorly studied ghost roads are among the gravest of all direct #threats to #tropical forests.
Ghost roads and the destruction of Asia-Pacific tropical forests - Nature
An effort to map roads in the Asia-Pacific region finds that there are 3.0–6.6 times more roads than other sources suggest, and that unmapped ‘ghost roads’ are a major contributor to tropical forest loss.Nature
Alta Floresta titi monkey Plecturocebus grovesi
The enchanting Groves Titi Monkey, also referred to as the Alta Floresta titi monkey or Mato Grosso titi monkey made a remarkable entry into the spotlight only recently in 2016 when they were class…Palm Oil Detectives
Report links pulpwood estate clearing Bornean orangutan habitat to RGE Group
JAKARTA — Indonesia is experiencing a resurgence in forest clearance due to the expansion of pulpwood and oil palm plantations, reversing years of declining deforestation associated with these two industries. And at the forefront of this new wave of deforestation is a single company: PT Mayawana Persada.
#Deforestation #ClimateCrimes #Indonesia #HabitatDestruction #Orangutans
Bougainville Monkey-faced Bat Pteralopex anceps
In the verdant, high-altitude forests of Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea, and Choiseul Island, Solomon Islands, lives an intriguing creature—the Bougainville Monkey-faced bat or, as some call…Palm Oil Detectives
@palmoildetectives #PalmOil #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife #PalmOilKILLS #Conflictpalmoil
PalmWatch Shines A Light on #PalmOil Corruption, #Greenwashing and #Deforestation
A groundbreaking open-source tool by the University of Chicago called PalmWatch, shines a light on the darkest parts of the palm oil industry.PalmWatch is a ...YouTube
Palm oil deforestation persists in Indonesia’s Leuser amid new mills, plantations
JAKARTA — Deforestation for oil palm plantations continues unabated at the northern tip of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, likely driven by new processing mills that in turn may ultimately be supplying major consumer goods companies.hayat (Conservation news)
Jerdon’s Courser Rhinoptilus bitorquatus
The Jerdon’s Courser is a rare and captivating nocturnal bird belonging to the pratincole and courser family Glareolidae. They are endemic to India in the Eastern Ghats region of Andhra Prade…Palm Oil Detectives
‘Precision fermentation’ start-ups pursue palm oil alternatives
#PalmOil #Deforestation #Orangutan #Conservation
‘Precision fermentation’ start-ups pursue palm oil alternatives
Lab-based producers think they can make $70bn industry more sustainable — if regulators will let themFreya Pratty (Financial Times)
8 in 10 lizards could be at risk due to deforestation
Deforestation Could Put 84% of North American Lizards at Risk, Study Says
#America #environment #wildlife #lizards #deforestation
Deforestation Could Put 84% of North American Lizards at Risk, Study Says
Deforestation is making lizards in North America more vulnerable because of a lack of shelter from extreme temperatures.Paige Bennett (EcoWatch)
Ten years since anti-deforestation pledge, corporate world still not doing enough
It was supposed to be a major milestone, back in 2014, when hundreds of governments and companies came together to sign the New York Declaration on Forests, aimed at eliminating natural forest loss worldwide.alexandrapopescu (Conservation news)
Jerdon’s Courser Rhinoptilus bitorquatus
The Jerdon’s Courser is a rare and captivating nocturnal bird belonging to the pratincole and courser family Glareolidae. They are endemic to India in the Eastern Ghats region of Andhra Prade…Palm Oil Detectives
The Jerdon's Courser is a rare nocturnal bird belonging to the family Glareolidae. They are endemic to #India in the Eastern Ghats region. They are threatened by #palmoil #deforestation. Help them to survive #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife
Jerdon’s Courser Rhinoptilus bitorquatus
The Jerdon’s Courser is a rare and captivating nocturnal bird belonging to the pratincole and courser family Glareolidae. They are endemic to India in the Eastern Ghats region of Andhra Prade…Palm Oil Detectives
#Environmental #Biology #sflorg
Vanishing Forests and Suffering Children: The Hidden Toll of Deforestation in Cambodia
Researcher reveals the health toll of deforestation in Cambodia as forests vanish and children
Exposure of African ape sites to climate change impacts
Large gaps remain in our understanding of the vulnerability of specific animal taxa and regions to climate change, especially regarding extreme climate impact
The world's business and finance sectors can do much more to reverse deforestation—here's the data to prove it
Big corporations could drive a worldwide shift towards more sustainable supply chains that limit damage caused by deforestation.Mary Gagen (
Authorities struggle to protect Bolivian national park from drug-fueled deforestation
In 2020, a Mongabay reporting team visited Bolivia’s Amboró National Park and Integrated Management Natural Area and found that portions of its protected forest had been cleared and replaced by illegal coca crops.Morgan Erickson-Davis (Conservation news)
#TheAirWeShare #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetectives
Air pollution from palm oil deforestation is a human rights issue affecting everyone in Asia
Forest-fire haze drifting from Indonesia to neighbouring countries every dry season has eluded efforts to curb it. Land clearing by burning is prohibited in Indonesia and Malaysia. However, penalis…Palm Oil Detectives
Converting rainforest to plantation impacts food webs and biodiversity
Every day, new areas of rainforests are converted into plantations, drastically changing tropical biodiversity and the way the ecosystem functions.ScienceDaily
Colombian Red Howler Monkey Alouatta seniculus
Red howlers are the largest of the howler monkey species. They have dense fur that ranges from brown to dark red, with gold or bright orange undersides – the colour can vary based on their ag…Palm Oil Detectives