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Items tagged with: Israel

Content warning: calling out antisemitism on the left, politics, palestine

Wix fires Irish employee for Gaza support, tells staff to “join a company initiative to create videos and creative campaigns”, to “support Israel’s narrative” … “show Westernity” in posts, as “unlike the Gazans, we look and live like Europeans and Americans”. It’s “very important to emphasise this in texts and images so that they feel close to us”

#wix #israel #gaza #ireland #genocide

"Across the Gaza Strip, hospitals are on the brink of running out of spare fuel, after the Palestinian territory’s sole power station stopped functioning on Wednesday following Israel’s refusal to allow supplies of fuel."

"At the heart of this crisis are the intensive care units, where thousands of injured people are struggling for their lives. A significant number of them rely on electricity-powered oxygen generators to breathe and survive."

@palestine #Palestine #Israel #Gaza

Wait until he hears about what his army did in Jenin, and Nablus, and Hebron, and... etc.

#Palestine #Israel

15 Democrats in Congress on a J Street trip to Israel met with Netanyahu even though Netanyahu refused to allow J Street staff in the meeting. Then Netanyahu lied. "No new settlements." And that afternoon Israel announced more settlements.

#Palestine #Israel

New Hampshire becomes the 37th state to adopt legislation targeting the BDS movement. Israel's Ambassador to the UN praised the move saying it "[fortifies] the moral Iron Dome" protecting Israel.

#Palestine #Israel

Activists say that new UK legislation to prohibit the boycott of Israel is "a grave attack on our human rights and our ability to defend human rights - not just in Palestine but around the world."

#Palestine #Israel

It's important to understand that the vast majority of settlers are not violent or filled with hate. So stop demonizing people. #Israel #mazeldon #jewniverse

Following the killing of two Israeli settlers on Sunday, a large group of settlers went on a "rampage" in the occupied West Bank town of Huwara to "seek revenge."

At least 98 Palestinians have been wounded, while tree, cars, and homes have been set on fire by settlers.

@palestine #Palestine #Israel #WestBank #Huwara

Once again the "New York Times" launders the dark forces gaining power in Israeli politics. Tensions in the occupied Palestinian West Bank are already at their highest level in years, and yet Israel’s security policy is now in the hands of a fascist who was considered so extreme that he wasn’t even allowed to serve as a foot soldier in the Israeli army when he was younger.

#Palestine #Israel

The collapse of the “Zionist Left” during Israel's most recent elections leaves Hadash and the Communist Party as the only force able to stand against the rise of ultra-nationalism.

#Palestine #Israel

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