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Items tagged with: lichen

Terra Affirma: Separate and Inseparable - gorgeous art and words in praise of the beauty of #lichen and #plants @yesmagazine by artist Sarah Gilman

unnamed, and still: A lichen-led artwork about language, borders and (artificial?) intelligence. Two years into this project and I'm still learning.

If anyone would like to buy a unique drawing or support the work, see more at

#art #lichen #fundraiser

In logic systems, there is often an 'either/or', some binary that leads down one path or another. If we structure data to be symbiotic, and a little unpredictable, what might that produce?

I'm still coding with #lichen, following a map that I can barely read any more:

I've been trying out some of these lichen drawings with black acrylic paint. I think it interferes with the clear voice a little, but then again it's their voice not mine.

They have so many voices, and they are so different, and I'm not sure how much I'm even involved in this process any more or if I'm just doing what they tell me.

#lichen #art

#lichen #art is already over 10% funded!

Support comes from a living community, appearing from unexpected quarters (online and offline). Thank you to everyone who has shared/bought/thought/talked about this so far.

*Current so-called #AI systems are built using 'neural nets', imitating the human brain. This project learns from prothallus, areole and thallus, considering intelligence from a species where a border is a connection, not a division.*

The first batch of unique lichen drawings are nearly done.

Massive thanks to folks who have shared and supported so far. Ye will all be on the credits when I get the final artwork finished. Lichen needs a voice and ye are part of that.

#art #crowdfund #lichen

Climate change threatens 771 endangered plant and lichen species #climate #ClimateChange #endangered #species #plants #lichen

Gotta love the term "threshold of lichenisation" - sounds dramatic. Cool study!

Alcobiosis, an algal-fungal association on the threshold of lichenisation

#symbiosis #lichen #algae #fungi

"The dark edges between the thalli are called the prothallus, and are where the fungal partner is present without the algal partner" — Dr. Mike Simms, Lichenologist, personal correspondence.

The searching fungi draws borders on stone.

Pen and ink drawing of 'Fuscidea cyathoides', growing on quartzite, Inishowen peninsula, Ireland, as part of an art-research residency with Artlink Fort Dunree, throughout 2022

#art #mosstodon #lichen

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