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Items tagged with: Images

Mesmerising microbes: bacteria as you’ve never seen it before – in pictures

β€œAs a side hustle he manipulates and photographs the microbial world; his images are collected in a book, Beautiful Bacteria. Taking bacteria from substances such as wastewater, dental plaque or kimchi, Danino lets them multiply in a petri dish, adding dyes. The results are artworks differing from the digital enhancements often made in scientific photography to make images more informative.”

#News #Photography #Photo #Photos #Image #Images #Microbiology #Biology #Science #STEM #Bacteria #Microbes #Microbes @science @biology @microbiology

I know this is an #unofficial #NASA #bot, but is there some way it can do #AltText on #images?

Appeareance of images attached to a post

Hello @Friendica Developers @Friendica Support @ Hello dear community, I would like to discuss with you about the appearance of posts with multiple images on #Friedica. Here is my opinion:
The current way multiple #images are displayed is awful:

Yeah, you saw it by my embedded examples your self. What bothers me most is:

  • It just looks messy (especially when there is a mix of landscape and portrait format)
  • Besides the aesthetics, multiple images take a lot of room (when you do not use an add-on like show more)

My suggestion on which I would love to hear your opinion is to use a grid format like on #mastodon:

I would pitch a suggestion by adding a PR for a (from my point of view) "better" appearance based to this
tutorial. I do not like to use JS in general and would leave it out by determine the suited amount of columns in the backend.

But before I invest time on that, I want to hear your feedback. Thank You!

!Friendica Support

I know how to add #alt-text to my #images at the post level (BBCode). But would it be possible to add an alt-text permanently, at the album level? Even if I add a caption to a picture (
it does not show when I embed it.

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