Items tagged with: Microbiology
Interesting perspectives on the microbiome here.
I always had the somewhat quaint idea that our guts are full of friendly microbes, but what if the microbiome is largely parasitic, at least in the long run?
The shocking discovery that our gut microbiome drives ageing
A new understanding of our relationship with our "friendly" gut microbes shows they actually have a dark side and help cause ageing. Here's how to fight backGraham Lawton (New Scientist)
Giant virus encodes key piece of protein-making machinery of cellular life
"Viruses are integral to the functioning of ocean ecosystems, influencing biological productivity, shifting community interactions, and driving evolutionary change,"
#viruses #microbiology #GiantViruses #protists
Giant virus encodes key piece of protein-making machinery of cellular life
Researchers at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa have discovered that a virus, FloV-SA2, encodes one of the proteins needed to make ribosomes, the central engines in all cells that translate genetic information into proteins, the building blocks of …Marcie Grabowski (
New preprint by the group I am doing my PhD in: “Chromosomal plasticity can drive rapid adaptation in bacteria”.
This is the first chapter of Ever Vega-Cabrera's thesis and has been in the works for a long time.
A short thread
@biorxiv_evobio #microbiology #bacteria #evolution #EvolutionaryBiology
Chromosomal plasticity can drive rapid adaptation in bacteria
Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying rapid adaptation to stress is a fundamental question in evolutionary biology.bioRxiv
Genetic potential for aerobic respiration and denitrification in globally distributed respiratory endosymbionts
Genetic potential for aerobic respiration and denitrification in globally distributed respiratory endosymbionts - Nature Communications
In this study, the authors report and analyze four complete genomes of respiratory endosymbionts to show that they carry the potential to breathe both oxygen and nitrogen oxides providing energy to their hosts.Nature
We have a new preprint describing a method for #bacteriophage phylogenetics and comparative genomics.
Maybe useful for those interested in all the amazing #phages out there and their bizarre mosaic genomes
Towards a unifying phylogenomic framework for tailed phages
Towards a unifying phylogenomic framework for tailed phages
Background Classifying viruses systematically has remained a key challenge of virology due to the absence of universal genes and vast genetic diversity of viruses.bioRxiv
Very nice study from Henshaw et al shows that #marine heterotrophic bacteria can sense and move towards cyanobacteria when the latter are infected with #viruses.
Presumably the signatures of early infection are a sign that nutrients from a lysed cell will be available soon.
This is a nice study that has implications for understanding the role of viruses in the #ocean.
Article here:
And we wrote a commentary here:
Metabolites from intact phage-infected Synechococcus chemotactically attract heterotrophic marine bacteria - Nature Microbiology
The authors use time-resolved metabolomics and microfluidics to characterize enhanced heterotroph chemoattraction to metabolites released from cyanobacteria during early stages of phage infection.Nature
Ran my way back from work at 3AM to streak out Archaea cells from a very generous collaborator. First round of plates are already cooking in the incubator - once we have data we'll know something about conserved genomic architecture dating back 250 million years. Exciting.
Thanks for a wonderful 1st day of the #IUMS2024. It's been busy at our booth yesterday 😎 Take your chance and visit us today to learn about the DSMZ 🦠🧫🧬🔬
Hunting down giant viruses that attack tiny algae
Hunting down giant viruses that attack tiny algae
They were said to come from outer space, and there were even claims that they were actually bacteria and that they undermined the very definition of viruses.Weizmann Institute of Science (
Profile and Binomica Labs registered on!
I'll be doing a lot more Halobacteria & Halococcus work in the near future, looking forward to sharing some interesting notes
#microbiology #archaea #bioinformatics
Sung won Lim
Independent researcher at Binomica Labs (Queens, NYC), and a remote adjunct researcher in Kyle lab at University of New Hampshire.Sung won Lim (
A newly discovered bacterium, Uabimicrobium helgolandensis, eats other bacteria and is a kind of 'bacteria of prey,' that should not even exist based on previous concepts about microbial cells. It could be a kind of microbial missing link, researchers suggest.
#biology #nature #life #cell #microbiology #science #research
The "Incomprehensible" Cell - A Parasitic Prokaryote is Discovered
All complex life forms on Earth, including plants and animals, are made up of eukaryotic cells; they are more sophisticated than bacterial or archaeal cellCarmen Leitch (Labroots)
We found a really big active endogenous virus
Latent infection of an active giant endogenous virus in a unicellular green alga
Latency is a common strategy in a wide range of viral lineages, but its prevalence in giant viruses remains unknown.bioRxiv
Terrabacteria: redefining bacterial envelope diversity, biogenesis and evolution
#microbiology #evolution #science
Terrabacteria: redefining bacterial envelope diversity, biogenesis and evolution - Nature Reviews Microbiology
In this Review, Gribaldo and co-workers explore the diversity and evolution of Terrabacteria and highlight their unique cell envelopes that deviate from Gram-positive and Gram-negative classifications, challenging traditional views on the bacterial c…Nature
by Roberto — Phage-bacteria population dynamics can be remarkably complex. This is reflected in the natural history of both; new phage defense systems in bacteria and anti-defense systems in phage seem to be discovered daily. Behind these intricate strategies to help in the reproductive success of each lies the basic problem of any predator-prey relationship.
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Do you know MediaDive, the world’s largest collection of cultivation media for microorganisms 🧫? It contains detailed introductions how to prepare the medium you need for your strain. In addition to the provision of all media used at the DSMZ, you can also create your own media or search for a medium suitable for your strain. Give it a try 😉
#database #microbiology #research #DSMZDigitalDiversity #bacteria #fungi
MediaDive — the cultivation media database
Discover standardized cultivation media recipes for more than 40,000 microbial
The diel disconnect between cell growth and division in Aureococcus is interrupted by giant virus infection
Frontiers | The diel disconnect between cell growth and division in Aureococcus is interrupted by giant virus infection
Viruses of eukaryotic algae have become an important research focus due to their role(s) in nutrient cycling and top-down control of algal blooms. Omics-base...Frontiers
The Last Universal Common Ancestor of Ribosome-Encoding Organisms: Portrait of LUCA
#evolution #microbiology #science #microbes
The Last Universal Common Ancestor of Ribosome-Encoding Organisms: Portrait of LUCA - Journal of Molecular Evolution
The existence of LUCA in the distant past is the logical consequence of the binary mechanism of cell division.SpringerLink
Ancient microbes offer clues to how complex life evolved
Ancient microbes offer clues to how complex life evolved
A new study published in Science Advances reveals a surprising twist in the evolutionary history of complex life.Science X (
How Viruses Shape Microbial Plankton Microdiversity
Stochasticity, determinism, and contingency shape genome evolution of endosymbiotic bacteria
#evolution #microbiology #genomics
Stochasticity, determinism, and contingency shape genome evolution of endosymbiotic bacteria - Nature Communications
Endosymbionts often have small genomes that maintain minimal functions required to serve their hosts. This study examines cases of new endosymbiont acquisition and finds genome degeneration involves both stochastic and deterministic processes that sh…Nature
Space Station Research Advances NASA's Plans to Explore the Moon, Mars - NASA
Research on the Space Station is helping NASA scientists develop tools and processes to ensure success on future missions.Ana Guzman (NASA)
Distinct life cycle stages of an ectosymbiotic DPANN archaeon
#archaea #symbiosis #microbiology
Distinct life cycle stages of an ectosymbiotic DPANN archaeon
Abstract. DPANN archaea are a diverse group of microorganisms that are thought to rely on an ectosymbiotic lifestyle; however, the cell biology of these ceGaisin, Vasil A (Oxford University Press)
Mesmerising microbes: bacteria as you’ve never seen it before – in pictures
“As a side hustle he manipulates and photographs the microbial world; his images are collected in a book, Beautiful Bacteria. Taking bacteria from substances such as wastewater, dental plaque or kimchi, Danino lets them multiply in a petri dish, adding dyes. The results are artworks differing from the digital enhancements often made in scientific photography to make images more informative.”
#News #Photography #Photo #Photos #Image #Images #Microbiology #Biology #Science #STEM #Bacteria #Microbes #Microbes @science @biology @microbiology
Mesmerising microbes: bacteria as you’ve never seen it before – in pictures
Scientist Tal Danino’s incredible images of the microbial worldThe Guardian
Never a Dull Enzyme
by Roberto — The tricarboxylic acid enzyme citrate synthase from Synechococcus elongatus has the remarkable feature that it self-assembles into multimeric fractal shapes, specifically Sierpiński triangles. As Arthur Kornberg would have said: "Never a dull enzyme!"...
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Systematic identification of cargo-mobilizing genetic elements reveals new dimensions of eukaryotic diversity
A giant virus infecting the amoeboflagellate Naegleria
#viruses #giantViruses #microbiology
A giant virus infecting the amoeboflagellate Naegleria - Nature Communications
This is the first report on a virus infecting the amoeboflagellate Naegleria, including the lethal human pathogen N. fowleri.Nature
Fascinating - I'll have to make time to dig into this one later.
"Many purported pseudogenes in bacterial genomes are bona-fide genes"
Many purported pseudogenes in bacterial genomes are bona fide genes - BMC Genomics
Background Microbial genomes are largely comprised of protein coding sequences, yet some genomes contain many pseudogenes caused by frameshifts or internal stop codons.BioMed Central
Who are giant viruses infecting in the ocean?
In a collaborative paper with the Vardi lab, we were able to link many giant virus lineages to protist hosts using #SingleCell #RNASeq. One #protist host (leucocryptos) made up less than 1% of the community, but we could still identify a cryptic viral lineage infecting it, leading to population collapse.
#marine #viruses #microbiology
Single-cell RNA-seq of the rare virosphere reveals the native hosts of giant viruses in the marine environment - Nature Microbiology
Active infections of giant viruses in their marine protists hosts are tracked at single-cell resolution, showing that, despite being rare, these viruses still impact microbial population dynamics.Nature
Our latest commentary about a cool recent paper on virophage-mediated defense against giant #viruses!
March of the proviruses
There's a new minimap2 release with ONT specific accurate long reads setting. Looking forward to giving it a test run!
Release Minimap2-2.27 (r1193) · lh3/minimap2
Notable changes to minimap2: New feature: added the lr:hq preset for accurate long reads at ~1% error rate. This was suggested by Oxford Nanopore developers (#1127). It is not clear if this prese...GitHub
The Simons Foundation has amazing #postdoc #fellowships for anyone interested in #marine microbial #ecology or #evolution.
I'd love to sponsor anyone interested in viral diversity!
Please spread the word!
Simons Postdoctoral Fellowships in Marine Microbial Ecology | Simons Foundation
The Simons Foundation invites applications for postdoctoral fellowships to support candidates who intend to pursue a career in basic research on fundamental problems in marine microbial ecology, with an emphasis on understanding the role of microorga…Simons Foundation
Looking for some suggestions - I'm working with Archaeal genomic regions whose optimally fitting model seems to be Tamura-Nei (
Would it be too much to suspect the Archaeal region is under similar types of evolutionary pressure?
#archaea #microbiology #evolution #phylogenetics #bioinformatics
Cool paper looking at biomass degradation in leaf cutter ant fungus gardens:
Mapping microhabitats of lignocellulose decomposition by a microbial consortium
#microbiology #fungi #cellulose
Mapping microhabitats of lignocellulose decomposition by a microbial consortium - Nature Chemical Biology
Metabolome-informed proteome imaging provides a comprehensive view of underlying biological pathways within micrometer-scale microhabitats of the fungal garden, informing the understanding of metabolic fungal pathways in plant matter degradation.Nature
Station Science 101: Epigenetics Research in Space - NASA
A growing body of research suggests a link between epigenetic mechanisms and a wide variety of illnesses and behaviors, including cancer, cardiovascular andAna Guzman (NASA)
Investigating antifungal tolerance
A refined single-cell sequencing technique provides insight into how pathogenic fungi respond to drugs.eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd
French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur was born #OTD in 1822
He is renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation, and pasteurization, the last of which was named after him. His research in chemistry led to remarkable breakthroughs in the understanding of the causes & preventions of diseases, which laid down the foundations of hygiene, public health & much of modern medicine.
Louis Pasteur at PG:
Books: louis pasteur (sorted by popularity)
Project Gutenberg offers 72,437 free eBooks for Kindle, iPad, Nook, Android, and iPhone.Project Gutenberg