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Items tagged with: Python

that’s actually a really cool trick — the many with-usages (like locks!) are a huge boon to understandable code.

And while it took me 25 lines of code to implement this with with wisp ( ) it’s only Python where that’s the default way to do things.

(there is no superfluous with in the previous paragraph ☺)

Being able to add stuff like this to the language cleanly is why I started to move my personal projects from #Python to #Guile #Scheme in 2013, though.

I've turned one of my teaching modules in #Paleontology into an #OER. It's only one single lab, but many more are waiting to be OER-ised... therefore I really need your input to avoid future mistakes.

Thanks to the feedback (shoutout to @leouieda and @JMMaok) I knew this:
✅ Must be editable
✅ Must include rubric
✅ Must include an example: I included a possible solution but without an essay, just the code. Now in #Rlanguage but #Python and #JuliaLang will follow.

The most watershed decision was to use #Quarto for everything to make it editable and renderable using Open Source tools and to make it version control-compatible. For people not familiar with #Quarto this may be a barrier?
Not sure what a good alternative would be. #OpenPedagogy

(1/2) Timetk for Python 🚀🚀🚀

The timetk, one of the main R packages for time series analysis and forecasting ❤️, by Matt Dancho, is now available in Python 🐍. The package provides a variety of tools for working with time series data and analyzing it. The Python version leverages pandas for processing time series data and plotly for visualization.

#timeseries #python #rstats #forecasting #DataScience

Any #Python fans out there? Might wanna check this book bundle: (partner link)

Advice for beginning (#Python and anything else) learners:

"Write code. Write more code. Get your hands in there, do things and find out what happens. You’ll learn best by doing."

Video demo of log_merger, a terminal-session viewer of merged log files. This is v0.2.0, just showing TUI table navigation basics - v0.3 will have more UI features. Installable from pypi using `pip install log_merger` #python #textual

My little #Python project using #textual has come along nicely. Side-by-side browsing of multiple log files, merged by timestamp - as text output, CSV, or interactive in-terminal browser (so it can be used within an SSH session). Repo: Or install using `pip install log_merger`. Version 0.1.0 so far, some good stuff coming in 0.2.0.

(1/2) Python for Data Science is a new book by Arthur Turrell that focuses on core data science applications with Python 🚀. The book is inspired by the R for Data Science book by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund and follows a similar structure. The book covers topics such as:
✅ Data wrangling and transformation
✅ Data visualization
✅ Working with spreadsheets, databases, web scraping and APIs
✅ Programming topics such as functions and iteration

#python #DataScience #dataviz #data

PLEASE BOOST for visibility!

The University of Colorado Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) is hiring software engineers for science data processing on the Data Systems team. We build satellite borne instruments for studying astrophysics, planetary science, earth science, atmospheric science, and many more disciplines. Data Systems typically does the ground processing of the instrument data from binary packets through to research quality science data products (think netCDF, HDF5, CDF, FITS files). Mostly we use Python but we have some Java systems and C experience is always a plus for making Python faster.

Lab website:

#fedihire #jobsearch #jobs #hiring #planetaryscience #astrophysics #astronomy #physics #python #datascience

It seems we'll have a lot of "fun" with the #PyPi decision to remove signatures for sdist tarballs ( going forward.

To scream into the void: Yes, PyPi, someone was using those signatures. Distro package maintainers secured user supply chains with it!

I'm not looking forward to asking dozens of upstreams to host their signatures elsewhere (just stumbled across one case). Meanwhile reproducibility is now broken for those packages.

#ArchLinux #packagerlife #Python

ReversingLabs has identified a novel attack on #PyPI using compiled #Python code to evade detection in the #SupplyChain:

We have a new version of the data visualization tutorials written in #Python using #Pandas and #Altair:

The first tutorials lay the foundation, after which common data types are treated in 3 steps:

🛒 Prepare → 🥒 Process → 🥗 Present

If you have any ideas or suggestions for improvement, or if you're using these tutorials in your own teaching (or learning!), I'd love to hear about it. Many thanks already to @ikyriazi for lots of feedback on this revision!

#DataVis #OER

PEP 684: "A Per-Interpreter GIL" has been accepted for Python 3.12!

#PEP684 #python #python312 #GIL

I have been teaching how to parallelise computations in #python for years. I just came across this article by @itamarst which explains some important points I was not aware of regarding multiprocessing.
I need to explore this further and update my course.

We're excited to share our latest project with you! We used a Raspberry Pi Pico W to build a custom vibration generator for a physics experiment. Watch the video where we walk you through the build process & share the code:
@Raspberry_Pi @RaspberryPi #STEMeducation #stem #maker #raspberrypi #electronic #project #coding #python #micropython #physics #school #science

It’s alive! Thanks to a StarTech usb to centronics cable, the #RaspberryPi can now print directly to a vintage Swintec 1146 CMP electronic typewriter!!

This is step 1 for a future #python project…

We've updated our package scope guide if you want to better understand the types of packages that we review. Spatial packages are one of our current core domain areas if you are a #gis person! But we review packages across many #science domains Check it out here: #python #opensource #openscience

Linux perf framework will work with #Python 3.12 natively, neat!

Here, have some #Python code I hacked on today to do some light video editing with #FFMPEG

Requires ffmpeg and ffmpeg-python

How to Install Python; Configure and Write Your First Program

[Absolute Beginner's Guide]


A leading global consultancy specializing in delivering the benefits of Open Source software to the commercial world, @collabora is seeking developers, sysadmins, engineers, and more. Browse current job openings on #OSJobHub #Linux #OpenSource #Debian #Python #sysadmin #kernel #developer #engineer

Today's procrastimaking activity has been porting my weather rainbow 🌈 project from ESP8266/Arduino to @Raspberry_Pi Pico W/ #CircuitPython. It's so nice to be able to store WiFi and OpenWeatherMap info/credentials in an editable text file rather than messing around with the Arduino WiFi manager libraries. Also much easier to parse the weather data in #Python. Still todo: coding LED animations for displaying temperature and weather conditions.

Here are some student created art spirals using the #Python turtle module using @Raspberry_Pi 400's #stem #steam #python

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